9. drugs?

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"What do we do now?" I ask handing his phone back.

"I think it was Oliver" he says.

"What about Athiena?" I say looking up at him as he paces back and forth then sits down beside me.

"I don't know" he says then looks over to me. After a moment his eyes drop slightly to my lips and I can feel my heart beat quicken and I know it's time I leave.

I immediately stand and his hand quickly reaches forwards and he grabs my wrist for me to stop.

"I should go" I say turning back to him.

"Why? Why are you acting like this?" He says now standing and towering over me.

"Because I don't want to make the same mistake twice, your not the type of guy who wants the things I want"

"What a relationship? Why does it even matter?"

"It matters to me" I say then move towards the door.

"Okay alright, so we don't do that, fine but you don't have to go.."

"What am I gunna do here?" I say turning to him looking around his room.

After a moment he walks over to his cupboard and pulls out a pencil case and sits back down. He then unzips the case and pulls out a small glass jar of weed and holds it up and smirks.

"Drugs? We would get caught, plus I don't do that stuff" I say rolling my eyes.

"Have you ever done it?" He says now more excited

"No? Why would I"

"You'll see" he says now pulling out a small metal tin and opens it up to blades, the then starts grinding up the weed.

"How do you even get that in here" I say sitting in his desk chair.

"I use to pay the grounds keeper to get me my supply from the outside but since the whole foster Keaton I figured I wouldn't ask him for something like that for a while so what your seeing here is the last of my personal supply, you better be grateful I sell this shit for $15 a half gram"

"That seems very expensive" I say watching him hand roll a joint.

"That's what happens when you have a monopoly" he says then licks that paper and finishes it.

"Your gunna get caught" I say rolling my eyes again.

"We" he says standing up "are not gunna get caught, I smoke in here all the time" he says standing on his bed and walking up to to the head of the bed where he unhooks his window and opens it up.

"Your window actually opens" I ask standing up and moving towards it.

"They don't trust you guys" he says smirking then he sits in the windowsill and I crawl onto the bed and look out the window.

He then pulls out a lighter and lights it, blowing out smoke into the wind. He then takes another hit and hands it towards me.

"don't think so buddy" I say ignoring him.

"How do you know you won't like it unless you try it, what if you love it, what if it's the best decision you ever make" he says smiling.

"This is peer pressure" I say looking at him

"You're damn right it is" he says holding it closer to me until I take it.

"What do I do?" I ask looking at it but also holding near the window so the smell doesn't come in the room or on me.

"Breath in, a deep breath though don't just keep it in your mouth you got to get it into your lungs, your gunna cough. Like a lot but it's worth it" he says and I move it to my mouth and as I breath in he mimics the deep breath I should be doing and I immediately cough my lungs out. Fuck.

I quickly hand it back to him as he's laughing as I run over to his desk and start drinking his water from his water bottle. Why did I do that?

He takes a few more hits while I die in the corner of the room and eventually I stop and come back to sit again. He hands it to me and against my better judgment I tried it again. I was hoping that maybe this time I could do it without dying but the same result. I coughed tell my lungs burned. I ended up trying a few more times before for quitting and letting him finish it.

He then moved out of the windowsill and shut the window and sat up against the wall beside me.

"I almost fell out that window one time" he says laughing and it immediately hits me like a freight train and I start laughing really hard too. The thought of him falling out plays over and over in my head and I just laugh harder and harder. This is so weird it feels like I keep coming in and out and I don't know things are happening until I think back on them. Suddenly a wave of relaxation hits me and I look over at Dawson.

"Sometimes people have bad first reaction because they aren't use to the loss of control, so just incase" he says and I nod then put my head on his shoulder.

Suddenly I hear music and I look over and Dawson is playing music on his phone.

"Oh Can I pick the music" I say grabbing his phone out of his hands before he has a chance to say anything.

"How do you have wifi?" I say searching my music and queuing songs.

"School wifi, payed an old teacher for the password before he retired"

I pressed play and tame impala starts playing and I rest my head back on his shoulder and really tune into the music. I then feel his hand on mine and when I open my eyes he is holding my hand and rubbing his thumb along my knuckle.

When I look up at him he is staring down at my hand in a trance. I study the fine details of his face and the more I stare the more I want to straddle him and kiss him. The thought replays In my mind a hundred times and I have every intent to do it but then I think about how I'm not supposed to and I stop myself.

Dawson then looks up and over to me then down to my lips. Did he hear my thoughts? I don't know how he couldn't they where very loud and repetitive.

"Please" he says quietly and I Immediately get up and straddle him and start to kiss him and he grabs my hips and pulls me into him.

I start running my fingers through his hair and he groans then slowly moves his mouth to my neck. He then moved us quickly so I'm laying on my back and he's towering over me, his head still dug into my neck as he start to undo his belt.

"Stop" I whisper immediately and he stops reluctantly and looks down at me.

"I don't do the casual thing, Im sorry I shouldn't have done that" I say and roll out from under him and sitting on the edge of his bed.

He just lays back and looks up at the ceiling.

"I'm going to go" I say standing up but I stand so fast I stumble when the room moves.

"You don't have to go" he says standing and moving in front of me to stop me.

"We clearly can't hang out together without things getting out of hand and you know I don't want that and I'm scared that eventually I'm not going to stop you and regret it" I say looking up at him.

"Why did you sleep with me before? We barley knew each other? What changed?"

"Because before I don't know I thought this could turn out to be more but I know now that's not the case" I say moving around him and leaving.

I don't want to be his booty call that he eventually moves on from. I have never wanted to be that girl. I had a stupid moment of weakness before and slept with him but I won't let it happen again. I've witnessed all my friends go into casual relationships and the girl always gets hurt in the end after catching feelings, I won't be that girl.

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