2. it must be so frustrating

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Me and Erin waited a solid half an hour before heading back to our dorm as to avoid Dawson and his gang. When we eventually did get back I started to settle in and unpack.

"Why was Dawson going after Oliver?" I ask as Erin is doodling in an art book on her bed.

"Oliver and Dawson have a history, they are both very strong willed and in a way balance each other out. Dawson has many powers but he refuses to tell anyone what they are which leads to many rumours but the only one we do know about for-sure is that he reads minds and can hear your thoughts and Oliver being a Mind Block doesn't allow Dawson to see into his mind. I think it annoys him" she says while continuing to doodle.

"What if he's just lying about his powers and says he has a bunch but actually doesn't? I mean if no one has ever seen them then how do we know?" I ask sitting on my bed, finishing up.

"Dawson Adams comes from a long line of extraordinarily powerful people, his great great great grandmother was Mrs Rosemary Adams. If that all isn't enough proof that that boy is packing powers then his placement should give it away. He's in D wing which houses the most powerful people in here. Trust me he's definitely not someone to pick a fight with, even if you are immortal and all"

"It's interesting that he wouldn't tell people his powers" I say laying back on the bed and staring up at the ceiling.

Suddenly we hear a knock at the door and me and Erin both sit up quickly. What if it's Dawson? What if it's Oliver? Should I answer it??

"Hey it's me" I hear Oliver say and a wave of relief hits me.

I get up and open the door to Oliver standing there smiling.

"Hello" I say confused as to why he's here.

"Hey so I just want to let u know that a guy named daw-"

"Dawson Adams" I cut him off. " Yah I know I saw you tell him my name and where to find me, thanks by the way"

"Listen I'm sorry I panicked, you will be fine he has no reason to not like u he probably just wants to know ur real so he knows I didn't lie to him"

"why do you owe him money" I ask but Oliver just shakes his head and doesn't answer.

"Nice seeing you again Mary" he says then walks away. Why couldn't he just tell me?? I shut the door and walk back over to the bed.

As I'm about to sit down I hear Oliver knock again so I turn around and walk back over to the door but when I open it, it isn't Oliver, it's Dawson. Shit.

"I guess word travels fast around here" he says as I look up at him as he leans against the doorframe.


"You know my name and everything and yet I haven't introduced myself and you've been here what? An hour?" He say with a cocky grin.

"Excuse me"

"Mind reading" Erin says from behind me as she walks to the door beside me.

"Erin, long time no see" he says playfully but Erin just rolls her eyes and walks back to her bed and out of sight from Dawson.

"I'm here to just check up on a few things mind if I come in" Dawson says and immediately Erin shouts "NO! He can't come in unless invited it's part of the spell, don't let him in"

"I suppose I don't need to come in, did Oliver West bring you here under Athienas request?" He asks looking directly into my eyes. His eyes are a silver colour and they're so cold it feels like they can see into your soul.

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