35. in the dark

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Just then there is a knock at the door and Dawson stands immediately fixing his belt before walking over the the door, I sit up and fix myself as he opens it to find Charlie on the other side.

"What are you doing in the dark?" She says looking past Dawson over to me

"Talking" Dawson says and Charlie doesn't say anything.

"Jack is looking for you" she says before leaving

"You haven't told me anything about Jack" I say watching as Dawson then shuts the door and turns back towards me

"He's my cousin" he grins and I roll my eyes.

"He can slow time around him, as long as he holds his breath, mans got lungs of steel" he says

"What?" I say confused

"He can manipulate time and slow it down for brief periods of time" Dawson shrugs. Thats huge. Holy shit. All of these powers are so new to me and to him they are just normal. I can't even imagine the powers that are out there.

"What is with your family, holy hell" I say blown away and he just grins

  "What's happening back at Rosemary's" I say changing the subject

  "Our authorities where contacted, fucking finally, and they where taken, they are awaiting their hearing" he says. We have our own authority's for our kind of people?

  "Both of them?" I look at him confused, even Mrs Harper? She's such a sweet older lady I hate to think she was involved but I know she's probably was

  "She was the brains behind the whole thing I guess" he says sitting down beside me on the bed in the dark.

  "I thought I was going to die that day" he says looking down at the floor. I guess it never really crossed my mind that I was going to die obviously. Ive basically forgotten what that feeling is even like. I rest my hand on his wrist in his lap then rest my head against his shoulder.

  "I should probably go find jack" he says standing from the bed after a minute or so passes of comforting silence.

  I stand from the bed and suddenly Dawson reaches out his hand and takes mine before leading me back out to the party. I find myself walking behind him rather than beside him, I really don't want to talk to anyone and have them figure out I'm high. I don't really know who is who around here. It also sucks because I don't know if I'm talking to Dawson's family or friends with all these people.

"Hey you" some older lady says to Dawson before pulling him in for a hug as we walk into the living room.

"I haven't seen you all night, and who is this?" She asks looking over at me

"This is Mary, Mary this is my Aunt Sophia, Jacks mother" he says

"Hi" she says before coming in and hugging me

"Hi" I say softly and she just smiles and looks at me and Dawson

"You two look great, I'm going to go find your mother though, it's time for me to get another drink" she says smiling before passing by us and going into the kitchen

I suddenly feel a buzzing in my purse and when I pull out my phone my mother is calling me, shit. I really don't want to talk to her while high oh god. I step away from Dawson and away from the music coming from the living room and slipping into the hallway that leads to Dawson's room before answering.

"Hello?" I say acting normal, god I'm overthinking already

"Hey, you weren't answering your phone" she says immediately

"I'm sorry I'm just talking to so many new people it's been in my purse all night" I say resting against the wall when Dawson comes around the corner and stops beside me with his hand in his pockets before leaning against the wall, looking down at me.

"Have you been drinking?" She asks

"Yah" I say resting my head against the wall looking up at Dawson

"Who's all there?" She asks curiously

"I think it's mostly just Dawson's extended family now" I say staring back into Dawson's eyes

"Is he around?" She asks and I already know where this is going

Dawson then lifts up his hand and takes my phone before placing it against his face

"Hello Mrs Parker" he says softly. "Of course, I understand" he says after a few seconds, what is she saying?

"Thank you Mrs Parker"he says grinning before saying goodbye and hanging up the phone.

"What was that?" I say taking my phone back from him before putting it in my purse

"You can stay the night, I'm suppose to remember the rules and that If I ever hurt you she has researched and found my fathers law firm" he grins

"She likes you" I smile

"I told you parents like me" he says when suddenly Jack comes around the corner

"There you are" he says as Dawson turns to him

"Hey sorry, what's up" Dawson says straightening up

"Your dads truck is blocking Jeremys car so you got to come move it, your dads way to drunk" he says

"Well come on" jack says after a moment before walking away quickly as Dawson follows.

Do I follow? I don't really need to but I don't want to just stand here awkwardly.

I decide that newly high me should probably not go into the party alone so I walk down the hall into Dawson's room before closing the door and turning the light on. I walk across the room and sit down on his bed before looking out the large windows that take up the entire high ceiling wall that look out into the forrest out back.

I scan around his room looking at the pictures on the wall and several trophies before looking over at his side table that has his wallet on it. I pick it up and open it to see his driver's license, even in his god damn drivers license picture he looks hot. Fuck. I sit there examining it for what feels like forever when suddenly I hear the door open and I look up to find Dawson is back. He looks at me for a moment before crossing the room and sitting down beside me.

"What are you doing?" He looks down at my hands as I am looking at his photo.

"How are you hot in this, it's unfair everyone is suppose to look bad" I say and he grins. I place the wallet back on his table before looking back over at him.

"Cmon" he says standing up and putting out his hand before taking me back out to the party.

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