34. teenage bullshit

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  Dawson opens a bag in his lap before pulling out a grinder and starts grinding it up.

  "I have a bong back there under the seat" Dawson says looking back at Natalie before she moves off her seat before feeling around for the lever that pulls the seat up. When she does there is 2 different bongs under the seat, Natalie grabs the iridescent one before closing the seat and handing it to Dawson. I kind of forget that Dawson smokes and sells weed even back at Rosemary's. It doesn't bother me honestly, how else are we supposed to make money out at Rosemary's. It's not like we can get a job, that and it's never been an issue so far

  Dawson reaches over back behind the seat on my side before shuffling around for something when he grabs a water bottle and hands it to Jack to fill the bong I'm assuming.

   Dawson packs the bowl before lighting the first hit, he doesn't cough at all and it's already scaring me for my turn.

  "Here" he says passing it to jack and he takes a few before passing it back to me and Natalie.

  "You ever done this" Natalie asks grabbing the lighter from Jacks hand

  "Not from this" I say and she nods before taking a hit then handing it quickly to me

  "Just quickly smoke the stuff left in there" she says and I do, just to immediately start coughing, thank god Natalie coughed a little aswell. Jack and Dawson both laugh slightly while I do.

  "here I'll light it" she says and I put my mouth back on the hole as she lights it for a few seconds before pulling the bowl out and all the smoke comes up and hits me instantly and I start coughing my lungs out.

  Dawson then hands me the water bottle from his cup holder in the front seat before passing it back to me and I immediately drink, it honestly helps.

  The guys go for a few more rounds before Dawson opens his door and dumps everything out into the snow before handing it back to Natalie to put back under the seat.

  Dawson then puts the car into drive and heads back up to the garage before parking and Turing off the engine while the garage door closes behind us.

  "Your dad going to be mad?" Jack asks Dawson with a big grin

  "Fuck no, I saw him earlier out with his buddy's doing the same shit" Dawson laughs as we all open our doors and hop out.

  As soon as I close the car door Dawson is standing on the other side, he reaches out his hand and grabs my wrist before pulling me in to him as he holds me.

  "You good" he asks and I nod. I'm fine right now but who knows once I get back upstairs

  He takes my hand and we walk back out of the garage in a group and back up into the party. there isnt as many people crowding the house now, there is still a lot but everyone who is still here is in the living room mingling. Dawson rests his hand on my back before sliding it around to my side before lightly squeezes as he leads us back into the living room and around to an empty seat where he pulls me down to sit in his lap.

   I try and focus on this guy telling some story that everyone is laughing at but I can't. I just keep staring off at nothing.

  Thank god no one asked me anything after that I probably couldn't answer. After about a half hour Dawson and me got up and started to walk back over to the kitchen.

  "Dawson, is Mary staying the night" I hear and when I turn around his mom is standing beside him talking to him.

  "Yah, probably" he says and she nods before pating him on the shoulder and moving back into the gathering in the living room. I wish my mom was that chill. He looked completely sober too, I would've never guessed he was high.

  "Practice" he grins at me as we walking into the kitchen and he opens a drawer and grabs a bag of chips before opening it and
leaving it on the counter.

  He leans against the island across from me as we eat chips and just stare at each other.

  "You are way to hot for me" Dawson says breaking the silence. What? Is he joking?

  "Mmhm" I say rolling my eyes and he grins.

  I notice that when I walk or look around the room it's like my vision delays by a split second and leaves a cool feeling and I keep turning my head back and forth and Dawson laugh.

  He leans off the counter and steps towards me before resting his hands on either side of my face holding my head on place as we stare each other in the eyes. He's really hot right now. Hotter than usual. I'm not sure if it's his cuffed sleeves and tucked in shirt but that shit can make any guy 10x hotter. That or it's just because I'm high and horny.

  "Ynow everything sounds, looks, and feels better with weed" he grins. Oh fuck. A wave of relief washes over me knowing I shaved for tonight.

  Dawson's starts laughing really hard. Oh god. Fuck. He heard that.

  A moment later he leans down and kisses me slowly but not long after he starts to really kiss me. Hard.

  "I love you" he whispers after pulling away slightly.

  "I love you too" I say wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him back down to me. No guy has ever told me they loved me before, my heart aches In a good way. I can't believe he was the first one to say it either.

  A few moments pass when I break off the kiss and grab his hand before leading him out of the kitchen and back to his room.

  I close the door behind him before grabbing him again and kissing him hard.

  He slides his hands down from my hips to my ass before suddenly lifting me off the ground and walking over to the bed before slowly laying me down.

  I almost immediately go for his belt, I really just want him to do what ever it was he did the other night, I've been dreaming about it every night since.

  "What has gotten into you" Dawson laughs before reaching down and grabbing my hand to stop me?

  "Please" I whine lifting my head up and kissing him

  "Fuck, please Mary don't do this to me" he groans "my parents are out there, my dad is out there" he says and immediately I cover my face in embarrassment

  "Oh fuck" I say and Dawson laughs.

  "Your going to have to wait, I promise it will be worth it" he says and my cheeks go bright red. Oh god.

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