41. whats the plan?

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    We ride in silence through the night racing down the roads ripping past the fields and forestry before finding ourselves deep in the forrest once again driving down his windy dirt road up into the mountains.

  We pull up around a final bend and his house becomes visible as he hits a button on his visor and the garage door starts to open, followed by a light on the top floor switching on. Oh god.

   Dawson parks the car before hoping out and before I can get out he's around to my side and opening my door and helping me out before leading me out of the garage and up to the main floor where we subsequently meet up with his parents.

   "What are you doing here" his mother asks in her night robe as she leans against the island looking at us both.

  Dawson pulls his letter from his pocket and tossed it across the island to his mother as she looks at it confused before opening it. His father gives nothing away and doesn't bother reading the letter as he's clearly already read mine and Dawson's mind to tell what it says.

  "Saturday?" She says looking up at us confused.

  "Yah" he says running his hands through his hair.

  "Go to bed, we'll deal with it in the morning" his father suddenly says leaning off the counter and walking up the stairs away from us.

His mother comes around the counter and hugs Dawson and me before turning the light off and walking up the stairs out of the kitchen without another word. I know at my house this would've turned into a 3 am conversation right away but maybe it's because I'm here his parents don't want to get into it?

Dawson grabs my hand after a moment and walks me back to his room without saying anything.

"What was your dad thinking?" I ask moving across his room and going right for his bed

  "He's not going to sleep, he's gunna be up all night in his office making calls" Dawson says pulling his hoodie up and over his head before throwing it down on the ground. I never really get use to how defined he is, even in serious moments like this I find him distracting.

  "To who?" I say confused


  Moments later he changes out of his pants and throws on some sweat pants before getting into the bed with me and pulling me close without another word about it.

   We lay there in silence as I begin to trace his face softly with my finger as he shuts his eyes while holding me tightly against him like he always does.

  "What do you think is my most attractive feature?" I ask randomly breaking the silence. My favourite time of the day is honestly when we're just laying in bed talking, I feel like we could talk about anything. I watch his face as he just grins but doesn't say anything.

  "Dawson" I say and he just grins harder.

  "Everything" he finally answers and I know he already knows I'm not going to take that answer. 

  "Dawson" I say and he pulls me closer and digs his face into the crook of my neck.

  "What is it something shallow like my ass" I say pushing his away and he just grins.

  "No, it's your eyes" he laughs as I continue to push him away playfully.

  "Well now I don't believe you" I say rolling my eyes

  "Your right, it's probably your power" he says grinning and my jaw drops

  "To soon" I say shaking my head in disbelief, I know he's joking but still. I push against his chest away from him but he keeps pulling me closer and closer against him as he laughs.

  "Oh come on what's mine" he says after securely pinning me against him as he holds me tightly as he leave little kisses on my skin as apology for his distasteful joke.

  "Your power" I say grinning after a moment. I cant help but run the list off in my head of all of his most attractive traits, he has quite a few.

  "Piss off" he says making both of us laugh, I can tell by the grin on his face he's listening to my thoughts.

  "Are you ever not in my head" I say after we stop laughing and a moment of comforting silence passes across the room.

  "I can't help it" he says running his fingers up and down my spine slowing as I play with his hair.

  "You should try going a day" I say rolling my eyes

  "I don't think I can, I do try trust me" he says "I've never been so focused on one person like this before, I just need to know what your thinking and if your alright" he says looking into my eyes. It's a weird feeling knowing someone is listening to my every thought but he doesn't bring up my stupid thoughts or confronts me about things most of the time. It's a very strange feeling but I don't hate it, it's like this deeper connection like no other but there is definitely times I wish I could have a choice to turn it off.

  "What power do you wish you had?" He asks me while sliding his hand down to my ass and pulling me even closer towards him.

  "I don't know, probably yours" I say grinning

  "Why? Just so you can get in my head?" He says laughing

  "Well I don't know what's going on up there" I say simply

  "It's like sex 50% of the time and analyzing what ever the hell you just thought or said the other 50%" he says laughing. "I'm not even kidding"

  "You think about sex that often?" I say with a small laugh. Really?

  "Have you seen yourself" he says before kissing me.

   "I wish your dad wasn't awake" I say eventually pulling away so things don't get too serious

  "I mean anything we did couldn't even come close to a fraction of the things that have already ran through my mind" he grins

  "Are you kinky?" I say laughing

  "Come on now my dads upstairs" he says brushing it off. "But we already know you are aren't you" he grins before grabbing my wrists and holding them tightly together.

  "Dawson!" I say as my jaw drops, his father is upstairs!!

  "Shhhh" he whispers laughing before pulling me in to kiss me again.

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