15. bodyguard

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   7pm rolls around and I've spent the last hour getting ready for my date with Darren. I've decided on minimal makeup, just covering a few blemishes and filling in my brows, and a simple black dress.

  I walk down the main staircase and already see Darren standing in the foyer waiting for me with a grin on his face.

  "Well who is this?" He jokes as I walk up to him. "You look great" he says eyeing me up and down.

  "Thank you" I say quietly Turning my head so he can't see me blush. I don't know why but I've always felt awkward when someone has complemented me.

  He ushers me out of the school and we begin down the the drive up but around half way down he walks off the path and we start cutting across the grass towards the fencing by the trees.

"Where are you taking me" I ask starting to get worried.

  "Oh my car is over in the clearing back that way, it's where everyone here Keeps their cars so we can easily leave campus" he says and takes my hand and pulls me behind him through the trees.

  We come up on the main fence that wraps around the property fairly deep into the woods and Darren helps me over.

   My heart was racing and I had this unsettling feeling in my stomach, probably because of Foster Keaton's death out in these woods.

  All my fears quickly washed away as we came to a clearing where at least 20 cars where parked.

   we walked past some cars that had leaves and branches resting against them in an attempt to hide the vehicle when we stopped in-front of an uncovered black car. Darren pulls his keys out from his pocket and unlocks the doors and opens my door for me to get in.

   When Darren gets in he quickly starts the car and we immediately pull away and start driving down a twisted hidden path that leads out to the main road.

   "Where are we going" I ask as I stare out into the forrest passing by.

  "There's a small diner I really like a ways up the road" he says as he steps on the gas and we weave down this winding empty road through the darkness.

   We finally pull up on the small diner and Darren opens my door for me and we walk in and take a booth seat near the back.

  An old lady walks to our table and asks us for our orders and Darren orders a large chocolate milkshake and a plate of fries for the both of us.

  "Do you come here often?" I ask quietly as I look around the cute little diner.

  "Not as much as I would like to" he says with a small smile on his face. "So I've heard your the girl who can't die" he says starting conversation.

"I hear your the guy who can see the future" I say giving him a small smile.

  "I can see outcomes to situations, people like to exaggerate. I can see if someone will win the lotto or if I'll get caught sneaking out like this, small things, if the world was going to end I'd find out the same time you did"

  "So do we get caught?" I ask smirking

    "No I've watched all the teachers nights, we're fine" he says smiling.

   "Doesn't it ever get boring knowing everything before it happens, must get old" I ask as the lady comes back with our food and places it on out table and walks away.

  "Honestly I wish I could see more than what I'm limited to"

  "Why?" I ask as I take a French fri and dip it into the milkshake.

  "Then things like what happened to foster wouldn't have happened" he says looking down at his hand then back up at me.

  "Did you know Foster?"

"He was a close friend" he says now dipping a fri into the milkshake.

  "What do you think happened?" I ask carefully.

  "I think someone murdered him and won't admit it, probably a student"

  "They put me on the suspect list" I say quietly.

  He lets out a small laugh then shakes his head slightly. "Why?"

   "I didn't make count that night"

"That's right you where with Dawson, yah I heard about that whole thing. Your both on the suspect list now? "He asks and I nod while taking a drink.

  "If I'm being honest it could've been Dawson" he says then starts eating a few more fries.

  "Why do you say that?"

"He's probably the most powerful student our school has, mentally and physically and I wouldn't be surprised if the school tried to protect him considering who he's a descendent of. He can read everyone's mind but no one can read his, he knows how peoples minds work, he knows exactly what to say to anyone accusing him to make them change their mind. Who knows what other powers he's hiding as well, people like him will never reveal all his secrets" he says

  "You really think he could do something like that? What would motivate him to do something like that though?" I ask intrigued now by his thought process

  "I don't know, why does anyone murder?"

  "What power did foster have?" I ask continuing to drink more of the milkshake.

  "He could speak with dead people, see ghosts, summon spirits the whole works. He was a good guy" Darren says with obvious sadness, It very apparent they where very close. 

  I change the subject to something much lighter and we stay for about an hour just talking before he pays the bill and we go back to his car.

  As we drive back to the school Darren puts his hand on my knee and rubs small circles with his thumb into my leg as we talk. We eventually make it back onto the small dirt road and Darren parks his car in the same spot.

  Just as I'm thinking he's gunna get out and open my door for me he very slowly starts to move his hand up my leg.

   "I really like you" Darren says in the darkness of his car while looking at me. Shit. Please don't.

  He then leans towards me and kisses me. Fuck. I don't know if I even want this, Darren's attractive and all but I don't know maybe this was a mistake.

   He then slides his hand further up my legs and just before he's about to hit my underwear I grab his wrist.

  "Maybe we shouldn't" I say quietly

  "C'mon I know how much you will like it" he says then continue to move his hand tell he's slipping his fingers into my underwear.

  "Darren I don-" I start but he cuts me off with a shhh and just then I hear a loud bang against Darren's window and I jump and immediately Darren stops and looks and it's Dawson. Fuck.

  Dawson then grabs the handle and opens the door and rips Darren out of his seat and out onto the ground before Dawson kicks shut his door. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING.

   "She told you to stop" Dawson yells before he punches Darren right in the face.

  I immediately get out and rush around the car. "Dawson don't hurt him" I yell trying to get his attention. Darren is laying on the ground holding his nose as blood spills out onto his hands.

   "Why are you with him right now Mary, he's a shit head" Dawson says turning towards me. "I knew this would happen, fuck Mary he would've raped you, you know that right" Dawson say while just fuming he's so upset.

  "Dawson I was fin-" I start but Dawson walk right up in-front of me getting in my face and puts his hands on either side of my head before saying "No you weren't he wouldn't have stopped Mary, I KNOW THIS"

  Just then I hear Darren start to get up and Dawson turns away from me and kicks Darren right in the gut. He then leans down beside him and says "just even think about talking to her again and I'll beat the shit out of you, you got that" he says then spits on his face before standing back up and grabbing my arm, pulling along behind him out of the woods.

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