12. the ex

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  I enter back into the house and Dawson follows close behind. As I'm about to go up the stairs I look down into the crowd and I can see the girl from Instagram standing near the corner staring directly at me and Dawson then back to her group.

  "Who is she" I ask Dawson on the stairs, looking over at her.

  "My Ex" he says continuing to move up the stairs.

  "What happened?" I ask and he turns back to me and looks at me confused.


  "She's beautiful, what happened? Why aren't you dating anymore?" I ask looking back over at her. God I'm fuckin nosy.

  "Why do you want to know?" He says while looking at me weird, trying to figure out why I care.

  "Just curious, friends tell each other stuff by the way" I say finally walking up the stairs with him.

  "Uhm, I found out about myself and broke it off for her sake, she's still attached but it's for the best" he says guiding me around some people down to a hall way that is decently empty.

  "Found out about yourself?" I ask as he pulls out a key and puts it into a door and turns it.

  We enter into the room and he turns on the light then locks the door behind him. This must be his bedroom. It's clean, like a show home room. Because of school he's obviously never here so it makes sense it doesn't look lived in.

  "I found out about my gifts and broke it off and went to Rosemary's" he says leaning against his desk as I wander around.

  "On her Instagram you guys where together just last year?" I say without even thinking about it

  "You stalked me?" He asks and when I look over at him he has the biggest grin plastered on his face.

  "You stalked me, found my friends and invited them to your party"

"Alright" he says excepting my point.

  "So you only found out about your power just last year?" I ask super surprised. What happened to his long line of powerful family members?

  "Not exactly, I knew about it long before then but I finally told my parents last year and they sent me to Rosemary's"

  "I don't understand you are super powerful and come from a long line of greats why wouldn't you tell them sooner? They would obviously understand" I ask confused

  "I didn't want to lose this" he gestures out to his party on the other side of his door. "I was popular and had everything I could ever want, I was extraordinary among average. Why give it all up to hang around people just as special as myself and become average" he says shrugging.

  "So why did you finally tell them?"

"I accidentally transferred a memory to Bailey that I shouldn't have and realized I didn't know how to control my own powers, it was a wake up call"

  "What did you show her?" I ask before I can stop myself.

  "What is this an interrogation? What about you what's up with your family? Any ex boyfriends? Why am I the only one talking"

  "Uhm ok, I guess. My grandmother went to Rosemary's for the same power I have, my parents both don't have powers, I'm an only child and no Ex boyfriends because no one has ever been interested in me" I say shrugging

  "Well that's bullshit" he says laughing to himself.


  "Unless You where homeschooled that's bullshit, I hear guys think about you all the time when you pass by and I'm positive that was happening before Rosemary's aswell"

  "The only person before you that had kissed me was Zach Kipling in 9th grade when he was dared to by his friends then gagged afterward, so yes I'm sure"

  "I can't speak for 9th grade you but things have changed since then, Mary" he says crossing his arms, I see his gaze shift down to my bare thighs.

  "You have a party out there to get back to" I say standing up. I really don't want to talk about other guys liking me with him right now, or ever.

  "I don't care about the party"


"I had the party to get you here, I don't actually care about it"

  "Well my friends are out there and I don't want them to worry" I say reaching for the door handle.

  "Alright" he says while looking at my lips with his jaw clenched. I quickly leave and go back to the party looking for Emily and Olivia.

  I finally come across them but they are in a group talking to Bailey?

  "Hey" I say as I enter the group and Emily and Olivia's face lights up.

  "Did you just fuck Dawson?" Olivia asks me, clearly drunk. I immediately feel so guilty and embarrassed in front of Bailey.

  "No, we are just friends" I say and look over at Bailey.

  "Hi" I say and she smiles back.

  "You know Dawson?" She yells over the music to me.

  "Yah, we go to school together" I say to make it seem like we aren't anything special, because we aren't.

  "He's really hot though right?" She asks almost as though she's baiting me?

  "I guess? we are just friends" I say trying to hammer that statement home.

  "Well just a heads up we use to date, best sex of my life, It honestly doesn't get any better anywhere but besides the point, watch out he's not as faithful as one could come to believe" she says, she's clearly drunk too. "Actually I'm going to go find him maybe have some fun" she says passing me. "Wish me luck"

  Did he cheat on her and accidentally show her a memory of him having sex with someone else?? What an asshole.

  45 minutes or so pass and I continue to drink until I don't feel self conscious in front of all these strangers.

  We where all dancing to some rap song when I felt a hand spin me around from my shoulder. It was a drunk Bailey.

  "Just friends my ass" she says then slaps me. WHAT THE FUCK. She then yells "stay away from him!" And starts crying. What the fuck is happening?!

  Immediately I see Dawson and his friend approach us and his friend takes Bailey away while Dawson comes and checks on me. The room starts to spin slightly and I honestly don't really know where I am.

  "Are you Okay?" He asks scanning me.

  "What the fuck was that" I ask looking through the crowd making sure Bailey doesn't come back.

  Immediately a wave of relaxation hits me and I look back at Dawson. "What happened?"

  "She's kind of not over me" he says looking at me weird. What?

  "Hadn't noticed" I say and the room starts to sway, Shit I'm drunk. "What happened to.... who is that?" I say scanning back and forth trying to figure out what I was talking about.

  "How drunk are you?" He asks laughing.

  "Drunk enough to sleep with you" I say and watch as his face drops. I start laughing so hard I have to lean against the counter. "But I'm not gunna" I scream then go back to dancing with Olivia and Emily.

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