24. the dinner

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"Mary?" I hear Dawson say from behind me, I refused to turn around a watch him come up the stairs but now I actually have to turn around and face him.

"Hi" I say turning in the bar stool to face him as his father walks around him into the kitchen.

"Who is this" his father asks from behind me.

"Mary, she is Dawson's friend" I hear his mother tell him

"What are you doing here" he asks with a blank face, I can't tell if he is mad.

"Can we talk?" I ask definitely not wanting to have this conversation in-front of his parents.

A moment passes before he turns and starts to walk down the hallways towards his room and I quickly follow, I can hear his parents whispering something but I can't make it out. He holds open his door until im in before shutting it after me.

I cross his room before turning towards him and standing there not sure what to say, completely blanking on why I'm here.

"Well?" He says as he moves towards his desk before leaning up against it facing me.

"What happened after... well.. what happened" I ask not sure where to start

"I told Athiena what happened and I left" he says simply

"What about after, why did you leave? You wouldn't even look in my direction?"

"What are you talking about, your the one who made it very clear that we where done" he says looking at me confused

  "I don't know I thought that what happened changed things a little don't you think, I wanted to talk to you about it" I say confused and hurt but he's right I did say that

  "I can't be friends with you Mary" he says now crossing his arms

  "I'm sorry" I say simply. He's right. I don't know why I'm here. I already know we can't be friends. I look down at my hands as I pick at my fingers, not sure what to say or even what I'm wanting to say.

  "I don't know why I'm here, Olivia made me come and I shouldn't have I'm sorry" I say and I can feel a tear go down my face.

  "Mary" he says standing up and starting to walk towards me but I quickly go for the door and make my way through the kitchen down to the first floor and I can hear Dawson quickly behind me.

  "Does she want to stay for supper?" I hear his mom yell after us. absolutely not, I'm leaving.

   I open the door and swing it shut behind me but Dawson catches it and as take my first step out onto his drive way I immediately biff it on the ice and fall back onto my ass.


  "Are you okay" Dawson asks immediately at my side pulling me up off the ground.

  "I need to go" I say tears streaming down my face.

  "Hey, hey Cmon" Dawson says taking his thumbs and wiping away the tears from my cheeks.

  "I need to go" I say as I'm ugly crying. Fuck me.

  "No, Cmon it's snowing way to hard, the roads where horrible coming in, you can't go anywhere now and it will be dark soon" he says and my stomach starts to turn. I can't stay here.

  "Why do you have to be in an arranged marriage" I say crying. I guess it's all coming out. Fuck.

  "What?" He says confused

  "I don't want you to marry Natalie" I say crying harder.

   A moment later he pulls me in and hugs me very closely and I nuzzle my face into his neck as I cry.

  "I know" he says rubbing my back and not letting go. We stand there in the snow for about a minute as he comforts me tell I can stop crying before he ends the encounter and pulls away.

  "Let's go inside" he says

  "Oh god" I say wiping my face from the tears and trying to fix myself, I hope they don't know I was crying. Fuck. I don't even know what just happened.

  "Your fine" Dawson says before leading me back inside the house.

  "My father can read your mind too so watch what you think about" he says before opening the door and going back in. Fuck. Now there is two of them. Oh god kill me now.

  He leads me back around to the stairs and up to the kitchen with his mother setting the table while his sister and father sit and wait.

  "Oh is she staying?" His mother asks eagerly

  "The roads are getting really bad I don't think she should go anywhere" Dawson says and his mom agrees before adding another plate to the table.

   I sit beside Dawson and next to his mother who is on the end across from his father on the other end while his sister sits across from us.

  "Is she your girlfriend?" His sister asks blatantly and my stomach sinks.

  "Charlie" Dawson's mom steps in immediately.

"What?" She asks but no one says anything.

"How do you know my son" Dawson's dad speaks up after a moment of silence

"We go to school together" Dawson says answering for me, I really don't want to speak it's like I've lost my voice.

"She can answer for herself" he immediately says scolding Dawson.

"We met at school" I say quietly when suddenly I feel Dawson's hand on my thigh and the atmosphere in the room changes and my anxiety starts to fade slightly

"What are your powers?" He asks taking a sip of his wine

"Uhm, I can only die of old age" I say starting to eat

"Wing?" He asks

"A" I say and the room go silent. Fuck.

"Hmm" he says going back to eating without another word.

"You can't die?" Charlie says and when I look up she's smiling at me

"Not really" I say softly

"What if I stabbed you in the heart" she asks smiling

"You cant" I smile and her face lights up. I look over at Dawson and he's grinning in amusement.

"Cool" she smiles "can I try?" She asks excitedly

"Charlie" Her mother scolds here again

"No it's alright, honestly she can't hurt me" I say and her mother looks at me for a moment almost confused.

"Can I try? Please she said I could" Charlie starts to whine

"Are you sure?" Her mother turns to me and I nod

"Okay" she says after a moment and Charlie jumps off her chair before running to the kitchen and grabbing a big knife before running back.

"No running with a knife!" Her mother yells and she slows down and walks.

"Her arm only" she says concerned and Charlie smiles. I lay my hand out on the table and Charlie touches my skin to feel it.

"It feels normal" she says before swinging the knife back over her shoulder and slams it down hard and fast on my wrist but the knife does nothing and falls onto the table.

"Holy sh-" I hear Dawson's dad say under his breath from the end of the table and Dawson squeeze my leg before rubbing circles into my knee.

"Cool" Charlie says before grabbing my arm and examining it.

"Charlie that's enough, finish your food" her mom says before standing up and taking the knife back into the kitchen.

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