42. big decisions

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    I woke up to the sun shining in as I find myself laying against Dawson's chest as his arm wraps around me holding my ass, of course. I start to move and he immediately reacts by grabbing me tightly and rolling on top of me as he digs his face into my neck, falling back asleep immediately.

  "Dawson, we have to get up" I say and he groans into my neck.  "Dawson your like 200 pounds I can't breath" I say trying to get him off me.

  "I can literally read your mind your such a liar" he says shaking his head in amusement before coming up and kissing me then sliding off back into the bed.

  I slip out from under the sheets and wonder over to the bathroom and wash my face before turning on the shower and getting ready for the day.

  When I finally finish up I wrap a towel around myself and walk back out into his room to find he's not there?

  I change into a pair of his grey sweats and synch them up as tight as I can so they don't fall off before grabbing a random black long sleeve shirt from his drawer before sliding it on. It's currently winter but it definitely feels colder in this house, I mean it is up in the mountains so it makes sense.

   I grab my phone and walk out of his room to find Dawson in his sweats leaning against the island in the kitchen and as I turn the corner I'm immediately met by a room full of people. Oh god. I cross the room and stand beside Dawson as he continues to discuss something to his uncles and aunts with his father? I'm confused.

  "They won't know" Dawson says positive in what ever he's talking about

  "Is this even worth it, long term? He's 18 what the hell does he even know about love. They could break up in a month from now" his uncle says and my stomach starts to twist. I can feel everyone's eyes on me and I feel so uncomfortable.

  "Oh that's rich you've been married for 20 years an-"

  "Dawson" his father steps in, stopping him from saying something he definitely shouldn't.

  "Regardless of love or not we're all aware of her power and how valuable it is" he says stepping forward looking directly at me. My heart sinks to my stomach but I can feel Dawson changing my atmosphere to help me be less anxious. I think that clears up some things.

  His aunt starts asking random questions to his mother about something I'm clearly not caught up on but more importantly why they are ever all here at 9 am? I look up at Dawson and notice he's staring directly at his father with a clenched jaw as his father looks back at him? Are they fighting? Clearly something is happening.

  I reach out and grab his hand and he suddenly breaks his heated stare with his dad and grabs my hand before pulling me into him for a hug as he kisses the top of my head. What was that?

  "It's all going to be fine" he says looking down at me completely ignoring the debate happening in the kitchen, as if we are the only ones there.

  "What's happening?" I say confused.

  "It's up in the air" he says pushing the hair back out of my face.

"Mary!" I hear Charlie say from behind me and when I turn around she is walking towards me in her pj's, clearly she just woke up.

"Hey you" I say kneeling down and hugging her

"Dawson?" She says wondering around me clearly confused why we are here. Dawson reaches down and picks her up and hugs her right away.

"Why are you excited to see Mary but confused to see me?" Dawson says laughing

She completely ignores him and wiggles her way out of Dawson's grasp and runs over to the cereal drawer and starts to make her self food, weaving in and out between all the people in the kitchen, completely ignoring all of her aunts and uncles.

"Strange kid" Dawson says after a moment and I just laugh to myself

Dawson eventually made me and him breakfast while his mother and father left into the office with his uncles and aunt to continue talking. I'm sure Dawson is listening to everything so I've decided to not talk to him much and distract him. Instead I decide to talk to Charlie for a while as she explains to me how she can see planets. This kid has a new power every time I see her it's insane.

"You wanna go for a ride" Dawson says turning to me after we finish up eating.

"Where?" I say looking at him confused as I finish up the rest of my orange juice

He then rests his hand on my thigh and slowly stands to run it up my leg. I cough in shock while quickly bolting my hand down to stop him as I look directly at Charlie who seems unfazed.

His family is having a very important conversation about our future essentially and all he's thinking about is sex? I mean well now I am too but really.

He stands up and walks back to his room and a few minutes later he comes out with a hoodie on holding his keys before coming to the table and grabbing me hand, pulling me away.

"Where are you going?" Charlie asks looking at us confused

"Into town for a bit, well be back" Dawson says before we head for the stairs and walk down to his garage where we hop into his vehicle.

"What are you parents talking about" I say looking over at him as he backs out of the garage and starts driving down the dirt road.

"Nothing I haven't heard them repeat for the 5th time in a row" he says before suddenly pulling off the dirt road and driving through the trees?

"What the hell are you doing?!" I say grabbing the oh shit bars in a panic

"Calm down" he says continuing before eventually pulling out to a clearing that looks out down the mountain. Huh.

"Get your ass over here" he says putting the vehicle in park

"What's gotten you into this mood" I say unbuckling and awkwardly climbing over the console and sitting in his lap.

"The answer is always you" he says shaking his head before grabbing my face and kissing me. I've never felt more like a teenager in my life.

I can feel as he unties the knot on my sweatpants before sliding his hand inside.

"Shit" I say flinching away from him, his hands are freezing. I can feel him smile against my lips as he then continues again, the shock has went away but they are still cold.


After he finally finished he drove us back to the house, he really gives no fucks. He legit just took me to go have sex while his entire family is at his house.

"What's happening?" I say confused as we pull up and his aunts and uncles are leaving?

"I guess we have a plan now" he says with a straight face as he pulls up out front

"What?" I look at him confused

"You're probably not going to like it" he says with a clenched jaw. Oh no.

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