20. the final puzzle piece

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"Why?" I ask confused

"I was the only one spotted down in the woods that night, I'm their only lead. They will arrest me because they have to arrest someone"

"They will take me too then, I was out there with you" I say looking at him as he stares at the ground

"Dawson" I say after he doesn't respond. He looks up at me but doesn't say anything.

"If they can't figure out who did it we are gunna go to jail" I say and it kind of shocks me, It never really felt real until now saying it out loud.

"Probably" he says after a moment.

"So your in an arranged marriage and we're both going to jail, fucking perfect" I say shaking my head before heading for the door.

"Where are you going" Dawson asks while watching me

"Well I think it's safe to say 'this' is done" I say looking at him.

"I'm sorry" he says and honestly looks sorry, to bad that isn't going to help anything with this one.

"Everything is a choice Dawson" I say before opening the door and leaving. I can't believe it. It never once crossed my mind that people with powers would have arranged marriages, just for breeding? It's fucked up.

I make it back to my dorm which is empty, thank god. I lay on my bed holding my pillow for a while before crying my eyes out uncontrollably. It feels like my world just got a lot smaller and the unknown got a lot bigger.

Why is this happening to me? Nothing has went right since I started going to this school. I never should have came here, I could be at home worrying about trivial things like friend drama and high school rumours, god what I'd give to have homework as my #1 concern, but no. Instead I get to deal with being a murder suspect and the mind reading guy I like being in an arranged marriage.


Another sleepless night past by, I cried silently all night. The only positive about today was knowing its the last day of building that fucking shed. I zoned out in all my classes, instead just wallowing in my own miserable thought loop of jail and Dawson.

I walked into detention and Dawson was there, I could feel him watch me but I refused to look at him. I sat in silence listening to Natalie and Tyler's conversation about one of there school projects. Anything to get out of my own head right now.

  We all walked down to the shed and began working while Mrs Harper worked over in the garden while Tucker helped us finish.


  An hour or so passed when we finally finished this horrible experience and the shed was finally done. Everyone sat around drinking water and talking when I noticed Mrs Harper talking to herself? I stood and placed my glass on the back of the truck before walking over to her.

  "Hi Mrs Harper" I say and she looks up at me, she was singing something to herself I don't recognize.

  "Hello darling" she says with a wide smile as she stands up to meet me.

  "What are you going to do in the winter when it's too snowy to garden?" I ask. She spends almost every day out here.

  "I knit" she smiles when suddenly I feel an hand slide from the small of my back around to my side. When I turn its Dawson?

  "Hey could I talk to you" he says motioning his head over to the shed.

  "I'm bus-" I start but he cuts me off

  "Mary" he says seriously

  "Okay, it was nice seeing you again Mrs Harper" I say turning back to her

  She smiles and nods as I turn and leave before going back towards the house

  We begin walking away over to the shed again.

  "What?" I say almost annoyed he pulled me away

  "We need to leave" he says quietly

  "What? Why?"

  "Trust me" he says as we walk over to the janitor.

  "We both need to use the washroom" Dawson says to him as I stand behind him confused on what he's doing

  "There's a washroom inside" tucker says overhearing Dawson's request. I watch as Dawson clenches his jaw but nods anyways. We walk over to the small house and inside. We walk around to the back of the house towards the washroom when Dawson pulls me in behind him and closes the door and locks it.

  "Okay what is happening" I say starting to get freaked out as he paces with his hand in his hair.

  "It was so obvious, it was right there" he says stressed out

  "Okay tell me what's happening?" I say grabbing his wrist and stopping him

  He then pulls out his phone from his pocket and is doing something before he hands me the phone which has the picture he took from Mr Durbys office of all the kids who have died on campus.

"What about it?" I say looking at it.

"5. Sam Harper (2003) Allergic Reaction" he says pointing to his name.


"Sam Harper is Mrs Harpers son, the grounds keepers son, he died that's why they plant flowers every year" he says as if it should all make sense.

"Okay sure, and?" I say still not getting his point

"Foster Keaton had the power to talk to spirits, and tell me who here has unaccounted access to tools like an axe" he says and I finally get what he's saying

"Oh" Is all I can manage to say.

"Yeah" he says as we just stare at each other not sure what to do.

"Can't you read their mind?" I say confused

"I get nothing from Mrs Harper she has to be a mind block. Fuck! I've spent all my time reading the students and teachers mind I forgot about them"

"Okay now what do we do, do we go tell athiena?" I say confused and just then the door swings open and tucker is on the other side. Shit.

"This isn't some sex spot, one person at a time" he says frowning. I stare at him and my heart starts racing and I can't find my voice. I'm looking at the person who probably killed Foster Keaton.

"Sorry, well leave" Dawson says grabbing my hand and pulling me along behind him as we slip past tucker to leave when I look out the window and notice everyone has already left back up the hill.

  Just as we are heading for the door Mrs Harper walks in when suddenly Tucker yells for us to hold on a moment. Dawson's grip tightens suddenly and I know it's bad.

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