32. the christmas party

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Dawson left by 10 just to make my mom happy. After he left I watched Netflix before falling asleep, not that it was a good sleep by any means. The fear of today's events I'm sure is to blame for that.

   I started the shower as I brushed my teeth before hoping in and washing my hair and body, shaving everything just incase.

  After I went down and had lunch I came back up to my room and started doing my makeup. I really took my time again today making it look perfect before realizing I'm gunna have to wrap it up pretty quick because I still have almost an hour of driving to do before getting out to his place for the party at 5. A huge wave of anxiety washes over me as I step into my closet and look for something to wear. Oh god.

I skim through and I slowly realize my entire wardrobe is skinny jeans, oh no. I flip through my skirts when I find a decent simple black circle skirt before pulling out a white long sleeve ribbed crop top with buttons. I put it on and look in my standing mirror, spinning around trying to decide if it's suitable? The skirt is high waisted and only leaves a small section of my stomach visible. God I don't know.  I walk back over to my closet before putting on some black heels and grabbing one of my small purses with a long strap and walking back over to the mirror. Ugh. I throw some earring on and it's going to have to do, I don't know what else to wear. My closet almost feels unfamiliar now, I don't even remember what is in there. Even with my makeup I look so unfamiliar to myself, I feel like I've grown in a different way since Rosemary's and all these things that use to be important to me now seem so trivial. I remember the days I'd work and save up for designer bags and new makeup but now all I wear is my school uniform basically and I never wear makeup, too busy with being a murder suspect I guess. I roll my eyes at the thought before leaving my room and heading down stairs.

  "Where are you going?" Mom asks immediately. Shit. Oh god I forgot to tell her.

  "A date with Dawson by the looks of it" Dad pipes up from the couch.

  "Dawson's family is having a Christmas party and I was invited" I say grabbing my keys and coat off the hook.

  "When will you be home?" She asks looking at me with her hands on her hips

  "I'm not sure, what time do you want me to be home" I say hoping to god she doesn't say 10 because then I'll have to leave at 9.

  "Will there be drinking at this party?" Mom asks

  "I think so, but obviously I won't be having any because I'm driving" I say. My parents have for some reason been alright with me drinking underage, they have never had a problem with me drinking at home with Olivia and Emily before as long as it's supervised and in a safe space.

  "Do you want one of us to drive you, your dad could pick you up?" She asks

  "Dawson live like an hour away" I say honestly sad, it would be perfect if they could.

  I watch as mom then turns to dad for a moment before looking back at me.

  "I want you to text me, if you drink either your dad or me could get you or you possibly could stay the night, but you know the rules" she says and I'm honestly floored. Is this my mother? After the fus she has been making all week?! It has to be because she met Dawson and likes him now. It has to.

  "Okay" I say opening the door and saying my goodbyes before heading out to my car and letting it heat up as I shiver in my skirt. Oh god.

   I listened to Frank Ocean the entire way to Dawson's house in an attempt to keep my anxiety low, honestly a futile attempt.

  My anxiety doubles as I pull up around the final bend and see a bunch of cars lined up outside, I park behind a SUV before sitting In my car looking up at the house watching people shuffling around on the second floor. Ohh god. Should I text Dawson or just go in?

  Suddenly there is a knock on my window and I jump in my seat "holy shit" I swear under my breath before looking over and finding Charlie standing on the other side. Oh my mother of god.

  I open the door and she steps back as I slip out and shut the door behind myself.

  "Why are you sitting in your car?" she asks, she's in a black dress and her mom must have curled her hair, she looks so cute.

  "You'll understand one day" I say simply. Honestly now is not the time to explain anxiety to a 8 year old.

  "Want to go in? It's freezing" I say and she nods before walking back towards the house as I follow her. Where the hell does she even come from, she just appears?

  I follow her in the house before wiping the snow off my heels and following her up the stairs up into the crowd of people. Oh god.

   We shuffle through a few people and suddenly Charlie is gone?! Oh no, I lost her.  fuck. I frantically look in every direction trying to find her or Dawson or someone, anyone I know but I can't see anyone.

  "Hey you" I hear from behind me and when I spin around it's Natalie?

  "Hey" I say as she comes in for a hug

  "What are you doing here?" I ask confused

"I was going to ask the same question?" She laughs. "My parents are close with the Adams so we get invited to these things naturally, I just happens to not be at Rosemary's for this one obviously so I had to come along"

  "Oh yah that makes sense, Uhm Dawson invited me" I say smiling

  "Figured, you guys are cute together" she says. Wait what? She's Dawson's future wife why would she say that? just as I'm about to say something Dawson's Mother walks up to us

  "Hey, welcome to the party you guys" she says smiling as she hugs me and Natalie.

  "It's lovely, thank you" Natalie says as Dawson's mom moves on to the next group and welcomes them.

  "She's a wonderful lady" Natalie says smiling.

"Have you seen Dawson?" I ask still looking around for him.

  "Yah I think I saw him in the living room with his father" she says

  "Oh, okay I'm gunna go find him and let him know I'm here but I'm sure we'll run into each other again" I say smiling before walking into the living room and seeing him sitting on the arm of the couch with a beer in his hand as he and a bunch of other people are laughing and listening to his father tell a story. He's wearing black dress pants with his white button down tucked into his pants with a black tie and shoes. He's really hot right now, wow.

  I walk though the crowd and come up behind Dawson, resting my hand on his back before sliding it to his shoulder.

   "Hey" he says looking over at me before standing up and pulling me in for a quick hug. "Wow your gorgeous" He says as he eyes me up and down grinning before sitting back on the arm rest, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me around in-front of him as he holds me up against his body, we watch his father telling some story Im clearly coming in the middle for. He keeps his arm wrapped around my waist as he rubs his thumb softly against my stomach and I find it hard to focus on the story, I start to feel anxious as I get the feeling like everyone is staring at the way he's so publicly holding me when I get hit with a calming feeling and my anxiety washes away. Thank god for him.

   "And this one here" Dawson's dad suddenly says holding his arm up pointing to me and everyone in the circle looks over at me. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.

  "She saved my sons life infact, she has an incredible power" he says in the midst of his drunk story time, my heart starts racing as I feel everyone looking at me. I hear Dawson laughing behind me and everyone is smiling?

  "Never seen anything like it, anyways so this one time in Costa Rica you would never believe it but.." his dad continues and goes onto a new drunken story. What just happened. He just told everyone I have powers?!

  "Everyone here has powers" Dawson says quietly.

  "What??" I say turning my head back to look at him

  "Every single person here has powers" he says and my anxiety floods back in immediately. Oh god.

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