3. late nights and less than wise decisions

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I get up off the couch and make my way out into the hall looking for Dawson. Just before I'm about to walk up the stairs towards D wing I notice a small light out back in the courtyard. I don't know why but I decided to check it out.

I make my way outside even though it's freezing out here because I'm only in my uniform mini skirt with knee high socks, my shoes and a t-shirt. I go around the side of the building where I saw the light and just as I'm about to turn the corner I hear Dawson talking and I stop and lean up against the wall trying to listen.

"It's $30 per gram, payment up front" he says. What is he selling drugs? Is that why Oliver owes him and won't tell anyone??

"Nice doing business with you" he says and I can hear 2 people start walking out from behind the wall and they pass right by me and continue walking back to the school.

I then hear walking going the other direction behind the building and when I peak behind the corner I see Dawson crossing the big field towards the tree line in the dark. I quietly follow him into the trees and I don't hear or see anything anymore so I continue deeper. It's so dark it's impossible to see anything, even my own hand. I start to turn back but I see a figure and immediately my heart starts racing. What if it isn't Dawson?

It starts coming at me and as I'm about to turn to run and I trip on god knows what and I fall to the ground and the figure stops at my feet.

"What do u want" I say with a shaking voice trying to back away.

"Why are you following me" I hear a familiar voice say, thank god.

"I came here to confront you" I say standing up. I can feel his presence in front of me and I can just barley make out his eyes but I can't see him.

"About what" he says and just as I think about it he's already answering my thought. "I'm not bullying him he owes me money and you already know why" he says moving closer.

"People are scared of you" I say backing away but he just moves closer. I eventually run into a tree and he has me cornered.

"Are you scared of me" he says now closing the space between us. My heart is racing and I can feel his breath on the side of my neck. Why is he doing this? Why is he getting this close to me and leading me off In the dark?

"I already know your not" he says against my neck and the thought of wanting him to kiss me crossed my mind and that's all it took and he had me pressed up against the tree kissing me with so much power behind it. I put my arms up and wrapped them around his neck and kissed him back. This feeling of euphoria and lust washes over me and I know it's Dawson doing it but I liked it so much. I came out here to confront him what the hell am I doing?! And why is he so hot?? Fuck.

Just then the bell sounds off from the school, it's 11:00 pm. Doors lock in 5 min. Dawson pulls away and we are both frozen in place looking at each other in the darkness. Why did I do that?

He then turns and grabs my hand and pulls me along as we exit the forest.

"Watch the log" he says but I don't know how he could even see it, I literally can't see anything. Unless that's one of his other powers.

"Is it?" I ask as he pulls me along.

"Wouldn't you like to know" he says in a joking tone.

"What other powers do you have" I say as we make it out into the clearing and I can see the moon light up the field.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours" he says still joking.

"If you tell me your powers I'll let you try and kill me however you want" I say and he stops and turns to me.

"What if I accidentally do kill you" he say looking into my eyes. Is he actually making a deal right now?

"You can't" I say smirking and he just grins and nods.

"Ok" he says then continues to pull me along up the hill.

As we enter into the school I can see teachers down the halls checking for students who are out past bell, Erin says those kids get detention on the weekends and have to clean the washrooms with the janitor and I'd literally do anything to avoid that.

There is a teacher that starts walking our way and Dawson grabs me and we race up the stairs to D wing and down a hallway then through a door into another hallway that houses D wing. Shit how am I gunna find my way back into A wing. A teacher appears behind us and we race away before they could catch us.

We race down to the room at the end of the hall and he opens the door and quickly says come in to invite me in and slams the door shut and locks it.

When I turn around it is a big bedroom with one big queen bed in the middle under the big window facing towards the mountain.

"Where is your roommate" I ask looking around.

"They don't give wing captains roommates" he says catching his breath and laying on the bed.

"Wing captains?" I ask confused sitting in his chair at his desk.

"One senior from every wing gets elected as a wing captain to supervise their wing" he says sitting up and looking at me in the dark

"And you supervise?" I ask jokingly. Like he would supervise anything.

"I attend the meetings and take requests I'll have you know" he stands and walks over to his closet.

"Who's A wings Captain" I ask watching him as he removes his shirt and throws it In a laundry hamper. When he turns towards me the moonlight from his open window casts over his body and I can see his masculine figure.

"Oliver West" he says then grins because I was staring at him.

"Why do you hate Oliver so much? Is it because you can't read his mind?" I ask still watching him as he removes his pants and puts on sweat pants.

"I hate him because he lies and can get away with it" he says then sits on the end of the bed.

"Tell me your powers" I say standing and sitting beside him. He just looks up at me and smirks. I can see his focus move from my eyes down to my lips and my heart speeds up.

He then leans towards me and starts kissing my hard, I immediately start kissing him back shamelessly. I don't know why I'm doing this, he's hot and clearly interested in me and just the sight of him could turn me on but he's a bully and I don't know why I'm letting him do this to me, probably because it feels so good and so right in this moment. He moves us so I'm laying on my back as he towers over me still kissing me. He then reaches for the hem of my shirt and pulls it over my head before he slowly removes my bra. He then moves his hands down my body to my skirt and pulls it off along with my shoes. He comes back down and starts kissing me as he slowly slides his hand into my underwear and starts moving around. I moan and a strong feeling of lust and euphoria hits me again and I know he is doing it. I've never been touched like this let alone kissed before. Ive only ever daydreamed about things like this but it's never happened to me and I'm so glad he's taking charge because I have no clue what to do, all I know is I don't want him to stop.

He then quickly rips off my underwear and takes off his clothes before entering me. I scream as he moves deeper in and he stops.

"Can we go slow" I whisper. I'm still a virgin and I regret not telling him a little sooner before he pulled that stunt.

He just nods and moves really slowly as he kisses the side of my neck. I wrap my arms around his neck and after a while the pain goes away and we start moving faster until I can start to feel something build inside of me.

"Come for me Mary" I hear him whisper as he is panting in my ear and I let out a moan as I come but he keeps moving and I dig my nails into him and soon after I can feel him come inside me as he comes to a stop.

He then slides out of me and lays beside me in the bed out of breath. I immediately grab his blankets and pull them up over me covering myself and I can see him smirk.

He then slides underneath the blanket as-well and pulls me close to him as he digs his face into my neck as we start the fall asleep. What am I doing? I just lost my virginity to a guy I barely know?!

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