8. super secret side mission

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I made it 4 hours and 45 minutes before I bombed my own challenge.

It's currently 12:25 am and I thought about him. Fuck. My mind wondered while laying awake in bed and of course It betrayed me and I thought about his warmth. His tou- STOP! Oh my god I need to stop thinking about him. He can probably hear me right now.

About 5 minutes pass before there is a knock at my door. Fuck. I already know before opening it that it was Dawson. He stood their grinning like mad.

"I'm impressed, almost 5 hours" he says leaning up against the door frame.

I slip out of my dorm and shut the door so I don't wake Erin.

"You listened to my thoughts for 5 hours?" Creep.

"There was a challenge involved" he says grinning.

"Well you can go now" I say nodding him away but he moves closer. Fuck.

"How about we skip the part where you pretend that you don't want this to happen and we just enjoy each other?" He says looking down at me through his dark eyelashes. After a moment of me not responding he says "This doesn't have to be weird and it doesn't have to be a thing, look I like you and I know you like me, we can just use that, no strings attached if that's what you want"

I look up at him for a moment longer then I open my dorm door and grab his hand, pulling him in behind me then locking the door.

"Erin's here?" He says and I shh him and crawl into my bed making space for him against the wall. He crawls in and I immediately curl up against his warm body.

"Wha-" he starts and I shh him again.

"So I'm just a human body pillow to you then" he whispers. He then starts running his finger up and down my arm in a soothing manner. I rest my head in the crook of his neck and I can feel him shift his head as he smells my hair.

"Your out of here before Erin wakes up" I say and I can feel him nod. This could be good? The perks of a boyfriend without any obligation.


When I woke up and Dawson was gone and I'd never slept better. He might have his uses after all, his true 'power' I think smiling to myself.

"What are you so happy about" Erin says sitting up from her bed turning off her alarm.

"Nothing, good dream" I say doing the same.

After breakfast I went to the library and started reading up on Powers that I had no idea even existed. when I looked up I saw Dawson enter the library and make his way over to me.

"Hey stranger" I say as he sits down beside me.

"Who else did you think could be involved" he says turning to me.

"Uhm, I don't know I hadn't thought about it Why?"

"I think Oliver might be involved"

"Just because you hat-"

"No I mean it, I've been constantly reading the minds of the people around me and no one has a guilty conscious, I don't think it's a coincidence that the one person I can't hear also happens to be one of the only other 3 students besides myself that doesn't have to be accountable for their whereabouts at night" he says completely serious.

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