7. confrontation

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  It's the weekend now and school has gone back to normal, it's almost like they are acting as if it didn't happen but I know that's only for the students sake, I still see them walk into the offices and call in students all the time. Their investigation isn't as low key as they may think it is.

  Dawson didn't sit with me in any classes this week and I feel guilty and want to apologize to him but he keeps avoiding me.

  At this point it's public knowledge about me and Dawson, I hear people whisper in the hallways when I pass calling me a slut for sleeping with him, as if he had no part in it. I hate how backwards everything still is. Why are women still getting slut shamed?

  "I'm going to go talk to Dawson and apologize" I say to Erin as I get up from my bed.

  "What are you gunna say? sorry I thought you murdered a kid, won't do that again" she says with a snort as she looks up at me.

  "I don't know I just feel bad" I say ignoring her as I leave the room and make my way to D wing.

  When I pass Oliver in the hall I can feel his eyes follow me even though he is in the middle of a conversation with someone. I really don't know why Oliver or any of the guys around here would be slightly interested in me.

  As I enter into D wing I'm immediately confronted by a Tall handsome Blond haired man with dark green eyes.

  "So your the one the whole schools been talking about" he says walking backwards and keeping pace as I make my way towards Dawson's Dorm.

  "Hadn't noticed" I say refusing to look back up at him.

  "Well I'm Darren and if your ever interested maybe we could hang out some time" he says putting out his hand.

  That's not what I was expecting, I was actually expecting him to say something gross.

  "Mary" I say shaking his hand and he smiles then walks away as I reach Dawson's door and knock.

  Dawson opens a couple moments later wearing only sweatpants, his hair sopping wet. He must have just gotten back from a shower.

  Just as he's about to shut the door on me I stop him and let myself in, shutting the door behind me.

  "What do you want?" He says grabbing a towel off his bed and running it through his hair.

  "I'm sorry I thought you where involved with that boy" I say and he looks at me then continues doing what he was doing.

  "The whole schools talking about me now thanks to you, at least according to your buddy Darren" I say sitting on his bed as he sorts through his notes and puts them in piles on his desk.

  "You know Darren?" He says stopping and turning to me, I spiked his interest.

  "I know that he wants to hang out with me sometime" I say and he puts his papers down and clenches his jaw.

  "Your not hanging out with him, not alone" he says then goes back to going through his papers.

  "I will hang out with who ever I want to, thank you very much"

  "He will use you, he's done it before" he says finishing up what he's doing.

  "How is that any different than what you did"

  "I didn't use you"

"You cornered me in a forest, kissed me, then took me back to your room, slept with me then acted like nothing happened and left without a word in the morning"

"you got what you wanted out of that, don't act like I used you and I was the only one that wanted it, you wanted it just as much if not more than I did" he says leaning against his desk looking at me. "Are you here to tell me about all the guys who want to fuck you and how I 'used you' or are you here for a real reason because if not there is the door" he says looking at me with no once of amusement.

  "I'm sorry Dawson, what do you expect, you where out there before me and that's the area the boys body was found, Wing captains don't have to be accountable for at night so what did you expect it's natural for me to assume something like that" I say standing up.

  "I'm not like you, I cant just read your mind and know you didn't do it. You know what, what ever" I say reaching for the door when he stops me and grabs my arm.

  "I'm sorry, it's just, my integrity isn't something I've ever had questioned. At least not from someone I trust" he says and loosens his grip and removes his hand from me.

  "You trust me?" I ask almost surprised. Why?

  "You know so little about this world there is no real reason I shouldn't" he says with a small smirk. "You didn't even know that Darren has the power of Precognition. The more you learn about this world the easier it becomes to figure out people's powers just by meeting them"

  "What's Precognition?"

"It's the ability to see and predict the future, Darren knows that if he acts a certain way he can get the results he wants, ie. having sex with you"

"Not every guy I speak to has the same motives you do" I say rolling my eyes and sitting back on his bed.

  "Yes, yes they do" he says grinning. "Darren has a one track mind with every girl he meets, I've heard it"

  "Thought you didn't reveal the personal thoughts of our peers"

  "You are too naive, someone has to help you" he says moving closer towards me. Just the way he steps towards me and my mind already goes to things it shouldn't.

  "So friends then, I have to get back" I say standing quickly and putting out my hand as a truce. I have to leave before I do something I regret again.

  "Why do you regret it? Because I didn't wake you up? That's it? What do you want me to cuddle with you and call you baby? Then you won't regret it?" He says moving closer, reading my mind.

  He's so close that he reaches forward and grabs my hand, placing it on his torso, running my fingers along his abs.

  The way he is looking down at me would make any girl weak in the knees. NO! He was an ass last time. He grins to himself, knowing what he's doing.

  I quickly slip out from under his gaze and move towards his door.

  "I wasn't an ass, I had class and I couldn't bring myself to wake you up, I thought I'd be able to make it to class and be able to make it back during my spare by the time you woke up"

  "What about my classes?" I say turning to him, he's just covering his ass now.

  "It was what? English? Who cares? Say you where sick, I didn't think it was such a big deal" he says stepping towards me.

  "You are trouble" I say and open the door to leave.

  "That doesn't mean you don't want me, I know you do, you'll cave and start to think about me and when you do I'll be there" he says grinning. Huh. Ok. Challenge accepted. Cocky bastard.

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