4. regret

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   When I wake up It takes me a moment to realize where I am. As I look around the room for Dawson I realize I'm naked and alone In his bed. He just left?  I turn around and the sun is high in the sky, shit what time is it?

   I turn to his bedside table and the clock reads 11:23 am. FUCK. I quickly stand up and grab all of my stuff and get dressed before quickly slipping out of Dawson's room but as I do there is a group of girls down the hall that saw me and quickly ran off. Great so now it's gunna get around that I was with him.

  I quickly rush through the halls and as I go down to the main entrance to A wing stairwell I see that everyone is gathered in the Great Hall? What is happening it isn't lunch yet?

  I walk towards the entrance and a teacher sees me and immediately walks over to me. "Get in there you are late" she says then pushes me into the great hall and I quickly run to my table.

  "Thank you everyone for joining us in the Great Hall for this emergency meeting. Last Night 2 Students  didn't make it back to their rooms and where absent in their classes this morning. This is cause for the school to go under immediate lock down and an investigation will be pursuing. If anyone has any information about the whereabouts of Foster Keaton or Mary Parker please contact a teacher or advisor. As for every other student you will be sent back to your designated wings and will be restricted to your dorms and your wings living space and washrooms, thank you" Athiena says into the mic at the front of the room and everyone immediately starts whispering and shuffling out. Fuck.

  As I'm getting pushed out of the hall with the moving crowd I feel someone grab my arm and pull me off to the side, it's Dawson.

  "You can't tell them you where with me last night" he says very seriously.

  "Why?" I ask confused

"I could lose my position as Wing Captain if they found out I brought you there" he says with a stern look on his face.

  "Why wouldn't u wake me up u dick, I wouldn't be a missing student right now" I raise my voice at him.

  "People would see you leaving my room with me and it's not my job to wake you up for class" he says pulling me around the corner out of prying eyes.

  "Well too bad people saw me leaving anyways, and if I don't tell them where I was I could be linked to this missing kid, You are my alibi" I say pushing him away from me because he is getting to close and cornering me.

  "Fuck" he yells the punches the wall beside me. He then storms off and follows D wing back to their dorms.

  I walk out from around the corner and into the great hall where I see Athiena and I go up to her.

  "Athiena I'm not missing" I say and she turns towards me and I can see relief wash over her.

  "Where where you?" She asks and I immediately panic. I don't want to throw Dawson under the bus but what do I say?

  "I slept in and missed classes, I'm sorry" still not a lie?

  "Your roommate admitted after questioning that you weren't in your room last night where where you?"

  "I fell asleep on a couch in the A wing living space by accident"

  "Alright, you go back to A wing for now but you will be questioned later by the council" she says and turns me around and ushers me out to the entrance and I make my way back to A wing.

  As I'm walking to my room I see Oliver as he makes his way over to me.

  "I thought you where gone?" He asks me confused "I got so worried"

  "No I was fine" I say giving a small smile.

  "I was so scared you where gone or something happened to you I was gonna help organize the search party" he says moving closer.

  "This may seem odd right now but I think this missing scare showed me something that I have to do things before it's too late and  basically I was wondering if this weekend you would want to go into town with me and I could take you out?" Oliver says with a smile. What?? Did not see that coming.

  "I don't know Oliver" I say softly. "I'm not really interested in a relationship or really anything right now, I'm sorry" I say letting him off gently. He just nods and walks away, clearly embarrassed.

  "Oh my god!" Erin yells to me as she jumps off the bed when I enter the room.

"Where were you? Is it true?" She says coming up to me as I sit on my bed.

  "Is what true"

"You slept with Dawson"


  "Jasmine Frank from D wing said she saw you sneaking out of Dawson's room doing the walk of shame before the meeting and that's why you where missing" 

  "Word travels fast"

  "It's true?!"

"Kinda, who told you?"

  "Jasmine is my friend and she came and told me immediately after because you are my roommate. She isn't the gossip type so I doubt it will get around from her, it's Kendall you have to worry about that girl never stops talking and she also saw you"

  "Great" I say laying back in my bed.

"Was he any good because he looks like he would be very good" she says sitting on my bed wanting answers.

  "I regret it already, he didn't even have the decency to wake me up for class" I say looking at her.

  "Answers the question" she says nudging me.

  "Yes he was good I guess I don't know he was my first" I say sitting up and looking at her. I was supposed to confront him about being a dick not have sex with him. Fuck.

  "Shit we didn't use a condom!" I shout. Fuck. No. Fuck. I'm so stupid why!? I know better than this.

  "it's fine this is sacred grounds with spells casted for everything, your not gunna get pregnant on these grounds although you should still wear one for STI's"

  "he's probably slept with half the girls here god knows what I have now" god dammit. Now I got to confront him about that.

  "Go down to the nurse and get tested if your worried" she says hopping off my bed and walking back to her own.

  "Whose this boy who went missing?"

"He was some freshman, he didn't make it in last night and wasn't in class either, I don't know"

  "I didn't tell them I was with Dawson, what if they think I was involved if I don't have an alibi" I ask turning to her

  "Then you're screwed"

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