16. Detention

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  "Where you watching me?" I say as we make it into the clearing.

  "It's a good thing I heard that, I told you not to go out with him"

  "Dawson I didn't ask you to do that I can stand up for myself, I don't need you over my shoulder there to fix everything" I say as I pull my arm out of his grasp.

  "By the looks of it you where doing a horrible job of standing up for yourself, I couldn't listen to that any longer"

  "THEN DONT! Your not my boyfriend I don't need you to protect me!"  I yell as I come to a stop. He just stares back at me in the darkness then down to the ground then back up to me.

  "Can we just go" he finally says.

  "I'll make it on my own thank you very much" I say and move around him as I make my way up the hill in the darkness.

   I can feel him close behind me as we walk in silence up to the doors. As we walk in I look up and see Athiena standing in front of me and I know there's no point in running, we've been caught.

   "It's past curfew and your out, why?" she asks us as we stand staring at each other not sure what to say.

  "Both of you are on detention for the next week every afternoon, now back to your dorms" she says and we both quickly walk up the stairs and part ways.

Great. Now I have detention on top of everything else. Fucking perfect.

I walk quickly back to my room before closing the door and heading for my bed. I quietly crawl in and try not to wake Erin before trying to fall asleep. A futile attempt at that.


The morning came and went as the day flashed by, I saw Daren in the hall once but he didn't look my direction. I've been here for how long now and my only real friend is Erin, how fucking sad. I need to start talking to more people.

The school day finally ends which just means the fun is yet to begin. Ugh.

I walk back up to the main building and down the administrative hallway until I reach detention. I walk in to find another girl with long black hair and a septum piercing already sitting in one of the open desks.

I sit down at one of the open desks and stare at the door waiting for the janitor to come in and take us to do what ever our punishment is.

"Hi" I hear the girl from behind me say. I turn around to see that she has moved to the seat directly behind me.

"Hi" I say back.

"Why are you in here?" She asks

"Out past curfew, you?" I say trying to make conversation, I was just thinking about how I need new friends, here's an opportunity.

"I was doing piercings out of my dorm and some dumb bitch didn't keep up cleaning her piercing properly and went to the nurse and it was infected. Got busted, now I'm here every night for the next three weeks"

"Oh shit, that really sucks" I say. "So what's your power? You one of the A wing losers like me?" I say trying to keep the conversation going

"D wing actually, I kinda got this Talking to animals thing goin on along wit some other stuff, what about you?" She says smiling

"I'm impenetrable I guess, I can't die from anything but old age as far as I know"

"No fuckin way, I wish" she says just as Dawson walks through the door followed by another boy I don't recognize.

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