27. breakfast

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"10 minutes" I hear Dawson whisper and when I open my eyes I find myself in Dawson's bed while he holds me. I look up slightly and see Charlie standing on the other side of the bed looking down at him.

  "Fine" she says before pouting and leaving the room. It's still early but the sun is starting to come up.

  "What was that" I say rolling over and laying my head against his chest by his neck.

  "She wants to go play outside" he says half asleep.

  "You never told me you had a sister you know that" I say softly as I begin to write random shapes onto his stomach.

  "No?" He mumbles

  "No" I say starting to fall back asleep.

  A few minutes pass before I feel Dawson slip out of the bed and I watch as he gets dressed and I feel like maybe I should too. I roll over the edge and grab my underwear before sitting in the bed and putting my clothes on slowly.

  Dawson then sits down on the side of the bed beside me and says nothing, he must just be tired. I wrap my arms up around his neck and rest my head on his shoulder softly.

  We sit there for about a minute when suddenly there is a knock at the door followed by Charlie opening it.

  "Hey pal" Dawson says as she walks in and Charlie smiles

  "You seen her power?" Dawson asks me

  "Yeah I've never seen anything like it" I say n she giggle before grabbing Dawson's arm and pulling on it.

  "Can we go?" She whines before Dawson stands and grabs a hoodie off his chair and throws it on. 

   "Are you coming?" Charlie asks me and I didn't think about it, I guess so?

   "Sure" I say slipping out of the bed and grabbing my coat before we all walk out to the empty quiet kitchen and down to the first floor before walking outside into feet of snow. Oh god.

  Charlie wonders around the front yard before pulling us around to the back of the house before she has decided on the perfect snowman building spot.

   Dawson and Charlie get to work rolling the balls around trying to get them big while I wondered around looking for pebbles or sticks to decorate him.

   "I want to put them on!" Charlie says running to me when she sees me walking back over to their finished snowman with sticks.

  "I have a carrot" she says pulling it out of her pocket before slamming into the snow mans face before completing her masterpiece.

  "Breakfast Charlie!" I hear her mom yell out from a window on the second floor before closing it again, Charlie goes running for the back doors before going inside. Not long after me and Dawson make our way inside and up to the second floor before sitting at the table for breakfast.

   "Good Morning" his mom says to me as she hands me a plate of eggs and bacon with toast

  "Good morning" I say back as she then hands Dawson a plate.

  "Your dad already went into work so Mary should have tracks to follow while driving out today" she says smiling before sitting down.

  "Mom" Charlie than says handing her glass of water to her before her mom takes It and seconds later I see the water start to freeze in the cup before she lets go?

  "My mother can freeze or burn things by touch" Dawson says answering my unasked question.

  "Dawson can read minds!" Charlie says playfully scowling at him

  "I know" I smile and I feel him rest his hand on my thigh.

"It's possible the most annoying power anyone could have" his mom says rolling her eyes "and of course my husband has it too"

  "I agree" I smile and Dawson squeezes my leg.

  "So what happened at rosemary's, why are they shutting down for the week?" Dawson's mother says changing the subject.

  "The Groundskeeper murdered a kid then tried to kill us" Dawson says like it's no big deal, he also is talking about the school? Is that allowed? I thought that was forbidden, maybe it's because his parent have powers? Maybe he's just breaking the rules.

  "What?!" His mother immediately buds in "what happened why didn't you tell me?!"

  "He killed a kid then we figured out he was the murderer and he took us out to the woods and shot us

  "He shot you?!" She says starting to freak

  "But this one here" he says grabbing my wrist and holding up my hand "is impenetrable and can transfer that to other people through touch"

   "What?" She says now looking at me as Dawson puts my hand down again.

  "I didn't know I could do that until it happened" I say and she just stares at me confused

  "She saved my life" Dawson says as his mom just stares at me and him confused

  "Oh my god Dawson" she says running her hand through her hair.

  "Cool"  Charlie says quietly

  "Oh my god" his mother says again before standing up, clearly processing a lot right now. "I need to-" she says trailing off before walking away and up the stairs to the next floor where I'm assuming her room is.

  "Your in" Dawson says softly and I look over at him confused before I get what he means. Wait? I'm in? Does his family approve of me?


  "I think I should head back home" I say as we wrap up breakfast and take our dishes to the sink.

  Dawson nods and we walk back to his room before gathering my things and heading downstairs and out to my car.

   I hop in and start the engine before grabbing my scraper and cleaning the windows before quickly hoping back into the warming car.

  I roll down my window as Dawson leans against the car door looking down at me.

  "Do you want me to come see you?" He asks as I shiver while holding my hands over the heating vents on the dash

  "My parents will interrogate you" I say smiling.

  "Parents love me" he says grinning

  "Only because you know what they want you to say" I roll my eyes

  "Come here" he says before leaning down and kissing me while holding my face with his hand.

  "I have to go Dawson" I say pushing away as he slowly turned that kiss into a two minute make out.

  He reluctantly pushes off the car and backs away giving me room to pull out and turn around but as I look up at his house I notice his mom standing up on one of the third floor windows staring down at us.

  "Your mom saw us" I say stopping the car and saying to Dawson

  "I know" he says simply "wish you could've heard them last night while we where.." He says and my mouth shoots open

  "You said they where asleep?! DAWSON!" I yell and he starts laughing

  "They where, they where, I'm just messing with you" he says grinning. I roll my eyes before rolling back up the window and driving back down the winding snowy road back out to the street and home.

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