13. blackout

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  When I wake up I look around and I'm in Dawson's bed and when I look over he's shirtless as I'm laying all over him holding him while I sleep, his arm wrapped around my side holding me. What the fuck happened? I look down and I'm not wearing the same clothes I came in. Shit. Oh my god. Shit. What did I do? I immediately sit up in an attempt to sneak out but I swing up to fast and the room starts spinning and it feels like I have a migraine.

  "Morning" Dawson says looking up at me. "You snore when you're drunk" he says grinning.

  "What happened" I say slowly

  "Probably better if you just didn't know" he says laughing to himself.

  "Tell me" I groan before reaching under the blankets to feel if he was wearing underwear or something and I feel he's wearing sweatpants.

  "We didn't have sex" he says reading my mind.

  "Oh my god thank god" I say cover my face in embarrassment.

  "No matter how much you begged me" he says grinning. What?

  "How about I just show you" he says then takes my hand and my vision cuts out to Dawson's view from last night as I walked up to him completely hammered asking him to fuck me, it then flashes to me throwing up on myself then him helping me change, I then kissed him before he put me to bed then watched me tell it went dark. When my vision comes back he is grinning and I want to actually die. Why do I still exist I should've just died last night. Fuck.

  "I'm so sorry" I say digging my face into my hands.

  "I'm not, I learned a lot about you actually" he says smiling. "Like how attractive you think my V-line is or the things you want me to do with my t-"

  "Stop! Please god stop!" I say literally wanting to cry I'm so embarrassed. He just laughs then sits up and gets out of the bed. As he walks past the bed toward his bathroom I stare at his deeply defined figure and I hate myself. Why is he so attractive? What is this a test? Jesus.

  He comes back into the room with a pill and a cup of tap water from the sink. He hands it to me and I immediately take it without any questions, Best case scenario it kills me.

  "Can we never speak of this" I ask looking up at him.

  "Yah fine, but you might want to tell your snap chat story that" he says and my heart drops. What?!

  I scramble for my phone and see it plugged in on the side table and immediately pull up Snapchat and look at my story. It's me dancing, that's fine. I click to the next and it's me in the bathroom with some guy but we aren't doing anything bad so I guess that's fine? I click to the next and I see myself giving the camera a middle finger with the caption "fucj Bailee getyo one bitch" What?!?

  "What does that even mean?!" I yell immediately deleting it but it's too late over 150 people have seen it.  The next snap pulls up and it's Dawson taking my shoes off last night while I'm screaming "husband material". IMMEDIATELY DELETING.

  "Oh my god, I'm never drinking again" I say starting to cry. What the hell have I done.

  "It's not that bad" he says trying to calm me down as he crouch's down In front of me.

  "I have to move and change my name" I say crying.

  "No you don't, it's fine" he says and a wave of calm and relaxation hits me and I start crying less.

  "You also took a shit tun of photos just so you know" he says and I reluctantly bring myself to lift my phone and open the photos app. It's just a load of photos of Dawson shirtless? What the fuck was I doing.

  "You said you wanted them for later, and that you wouldn't sleep until you had them" he says grinning.

  "Do you understand that if I could die, I would kill myself right now

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  "Do you understand that if I could die, I would kill myself right now. This is the most humiliating thing ever" I say laying back in the bed staring up at the ceiling.

  "Feel free to keep them for later" he says jokingly as he stands up and looks down at me.

  "I need to leave" I say getting out of the bed and looking around for my clothes.

  "You puked on them" he says sitting on the bed watching me look.

  "Well then I'm wearing your clothes" I say going to his dresser and taking out sweatpants that I cinched the string as tight as I could get them before throwing on a random white T-shirt. I grabbed my phone and walked out of his room out to the kitchen to find several people sleeping on the ground. I quietly moved through the crowd but I could hear Dawson following behind without even trying to be quite.

  I see Olivia and Emily talking on the couch in the living room and when they look over and see me they immediately get up and know it's time to go.

  We all make it down to the front door and outside before Olivia starts talking, record silence time for her.

  "Where did you go last night?" She asks as she digs through her purse for her keys.

  "Threw up on Myself then slept in Dawson's bed" I say humiliated.

  "Shit" Emily says


"Did he sleep in the bed with you?" Olivia says as we come up on her car.

  "Yah" I say going to the back seat

"Well that means he wanted to make sure that you would be okay, he likes you" she says starting up the car

  "I know he likes me" I say laying down.

   "You never told us that, you said he wasn't in the picture anymore?! Why aren't you with him what the fuck" Olivia says spinning around looking at me in the back seat.

  "He's a fuck boy, I want a boyfriend" I say shutting my eyes trying to fall asleep.

  "He doesn't sound like a fuck boy to me, how do you know that's all he wants? Did he say that?" She says hitting my leg to wake me up.

  "It was obvious" I say getting annoyed

  "How was it obvious?"

"He didn't say that but I just know"

  "You're actually dumb" she says laughing.

  "What" I say sitting up

"Never mind" she says still laughing then pulls away and we head home.

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