38. reality shift

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   "You better get your ass up" I hear followed by Dawson slapping my ass and squeezing it as I lay in his bed hiding my face from the sun. I groan and grab the blanket pulling it over my ass, I guess I fell asleep naked.

  "No get up" he says grabbing the blanket and pulling it back off of me before sitting down beside me and slapping my ass again. Ugh.

  "Why" I say lifting my leg and trying to kick him away but he just grabs my leg and pulls me down the bed towards him, laying my one thigh in his lap, leaving my other leg on the bed behind him. I'm very exposed right now and he's definitely enjoying the view but I don't care.

  "Last time I didn't wake you up for class I never heard the end of it" he says. Ughhhhhhhh.

  "If you keep laying like this we are both going to miss breakfast and first period so you decide" he says as he slides his hand across my leg to my ass and slaps it again then squeezes it hard. Well I think it's becoming veryobvious if Dawson is a tits or ass kind of guy.

  I slowly lift myself off the bed before standing up and looking down at him as he watches me grab my shirt and pants off the floor. I then stand completely naked in front of him as I watch his attention move from my face down to my chest. He reaches out and grabs my hip before pulling my me towards him. He goes to kiss my breast and I quickly place my hand over his mouth and step away.

  "I don't think so pal" I say quickly getting dressed. He doesn't get any of that, not after waking me up this god damn early by slapping my ass. Three times. I'm going to really make him wait for it, I think it could be fun to taunt him with it. God I'm evil. He's so good to me why am I like this.

  "Your joking" he says looking over at me and I just smile.

  "Your going to be the one running to me not the other way around, you just watch" he says and I roll my eyes before pulling my hair up into a bun before using my elastic to keep it up in place. I then walk towards the door and out into the hall without another word. I don't know why but I'm in the mood to mess with him now and he literally didn't do anything wrong, he did the right thing by waking me up but I really want to see how much control I have over him, I want to see just how bad he wants me. I hear him shut his door behind me before catching up to me and walking with me back to A wing so I can get changed into school clothes.

"Are you alright?" He asks walking with me confused why I just left abruptly I'm sure

  "Fine, thank you" I say

"Your gunna make me go grey woman" he says and I grin.

We go back to my dorm and I change while making him stand outside and wait before heading down for breakfast. I break away from his grasp and head to A table with Erin, I can't ditch her two meals in a row.

After breakfast me and Erin walk down to the education building before splitting off and heading our separate ways. I'm not sure where Dawson went but I know I'll see him at least by lunch and if not then by Magic History.


The bells sound off signalling the end of lunch, I sat with Erin again and we caught up and talked about all the new powers I've recently discovered. We both ended up walking back down to the education building again when I see Dawson standing at the front doors waiting for me.

Me and Erin break off and Dawson walks with me to magic history before taking a seat in the back beside me as we watch more kids file in.

"Where did you go all day?" I ask looking over at him

"Had to go scouting for a new supplier seems my old one is currently locked up and tried to kill me" he says looking down at the people coming into the class

"You would be expelled and wouldn't make it to law school if they caught you ynow" I say rolling my eyes

"Ynow, I'm exceptionally good at lying to teachers, I think I'd survive that scenario" he says looking over at me. "Athiena came and found me at lunch, she wants to check up with us I'm sure she will come find you later"

"Alright sit down and shut up" the teacher says walking into the class directing all of our attention down to him, giving me no time to ask Dawson about his meeting with Athiena.

"Today we are talking about the dangers our kind has faced throughout history" he says standing at the front of the class.

"Back in the day we had certain individuals with rare powers you wouldn't believe" he starts. "Since then almost all of those powers have been bred out of existence for safety reasons or in some cases are still around but incredibly rare"

"There was once a young man named Peter Young and back in 1856 when he was 17 years old he killed over 200 people with his power in one afternoon after a psychotic break. He had a rare power of instant death, he could kill you just by touch if he wanted to, just like that. He was obviously a huge threat and people like him obviously where threats too. The people with such power that agreed to be under surveillance and marry a normal human to breed out the trait lived, I can't say that about the others who didn't want to be supervised. Because of people like Peter Young we now have an organization, GCOP, that is our form of law and justice system, as many of you are already aware of. Most of the harmful extremely powerful traits like Peters are no longer in existence, they have been bred out with only a handful left like Peter still remaining in Asia and Russia" he says pacing the room as we all watch. This is all knew to me, I didn't know they bred out traits on purpose.

"There are also other traits out there that are none violent powers per say but are just as dangerous and have been bred out aswell" he says sitting down in his chair and looking up at all of us.

"Infact one of the worlds more rare and extremely dangerous traits has been rumoured to have passed through these very walls back in the 30's. I'm talking about the power to not be killed" he says and my heart sinks to my stomach. Oh god. Oh no. Oh god.

I feel as Dawson rest his hand on my thigh before a calming sensation washes over me. Oh god.

"Imagine living life without fear, never worrying that anything could harm you, completely impenetrable. only to die of old age. this trait completely by its self can be considered harmless, it is when bred with powerful traits that it really becomes a threat. Unlike other powers like how you and me got ours all at random this power and powers like this have a greater chance of being passed on to the next generation for unknown reasons. Imagine a super human with extreme powers that literally can't be stopped. well that use to happen. Way back in the day we're talking 1600's, 1700's range people found with these traits would be specifically bred to make super humans, people that couldn't be stopped. Since then it's been considered one of the worlds most powerful traits and there are very few people left with it, soon there will be none." he says. My heart is racing. I'm trying to comprehend what he just said but I can't focus. I have what's considered one of the most powerful powers?! How?! My grandmother had it to?! Is that why she married a normal guy and had normal kids, to try and breed out the trait?! Is that why she broke up with Clayton? Was she forced to?! It's all making sense now. Oh fuck. Is that why Dawson's father is impressed with my trait?! There whole family breeds traits specifically for power reasons, am I just a pawn to his father?! To Dawson? Is that why he was so interested in my power from the start?! My brain is spiralling down every scenario I don't know what to believe.

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