18. overstepping

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"Well well well" Dawson says as I sit down a couple of feet away from him.

"What do you want" I say rolling my eyes

"So do you and tucker have a love connection or?" He says jokingly.

"Yah screw you, truth or dare Dawson" I say pulling my legs up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them for warmth.

"Truth" he says before sitting up and moving closer towards me, handing me part of his blanket. I don't want to but I take it.

"Alright, why are you scared of commitment and relationships" I say going right for the hard question

"Wowww" he says shaking his head in disbelief. "Alright"

"I'm not scared of commitment, I just don't like the whole you're mine mentality" he says simply

"That's bullshit" I say almost laughing


"You're scared, that's what it comes down to, you're scared to be vulnerable to anyone, and scared of getting hurt, that's why you don't let anyone know all your powers or let anyone in" I say confidently but at the same time scared I'm crossing a huge line. I don't know where this all came from but it's coming out.

He stares at me in the darkness for a few moments before looking back at the screen then down to the ground, clenching his jaw.

"Why are you scared everyone's going to hurt you or use your powers against you?" I say softly. I don't know where his head is at and I'm a little scared I definitely crossed a line.

A few moments pass before he suddenly stands up and starts walking away. Oh shit.

"Dawson" I say standing quickly and running after him

"I'm sorry" I say grabbing his hand and stopping him. He tugs his hand away but I see a glimpse of a tear in his eye before he walks away back to the school.

What did I just do.


  I didn't sleep all night. I stared at the ceiling listening to Erin sleep. Fuck. The sun began shining in though the windows and not too long after Erin's alarm went off and we got dressed and started to make our way down for breakfast.

  I scanned the room but didn't see dawson anywhere. Perfect.

  Just as I'm about to finish up I feel a hand on my shoulder and when I turn around it's Athiena?

  "Follow me" she says softly. I nod and follow her as we go down a hall way into a small room with just me and her. I sit down in the open chair across from her small desk.

  "I need you to tell me what happened the night Foster Keaton went missing" she says completely serious

  "Why? I've already told you what happened?"

  "We think we have our person, we are just matching stories, please repeat your story once more for the record" she says eagerly waiting for me to start

  "I went outside to confront Dawson and I followed him down to the forest, we talked then went back to his room where I slept in" I say

"Hmm" she says reading some papers in front of her. "You never mentioned the forest in your first testimony" she say looking up at me.

"What? Testimony? Should I have a lawyer?" I say confused.

"Only if you feel you need one... do you feel like you need one?" She asks almost baiting me. What is happening do they think I did it??

"I don't know" I say confused

"Alright, that will be enough for now" she says letting me go. "We will speak at another time" she says as I stand and slowly walk out before walking back up to A wing and grabbing my things and walking to my first period class.

The day went by in a flash almost, it's all a blur at this point I just couldn't stop thinking about my meeting this morning.

After the day was done I walked back to the main building and into detention to find Natalie, Tyler and Dawson already there. Dawson didn't look up when I walked in. Guess we aren't talking then.

  The janitor took us down to the same spot as yesterday and we continued right where we left off. One thing I do miss about normal school was detention, it was like an hour at lunch in a classroom not out in a field for a couple hours building a shed.

  On our break we all sat on the back of the truck again, Dawson continued working through the break, probably so he doesn't have to come over and talk to us.

I look around the empty field and notice the flower garden I saw on my first day here, Except this time Tucker's wife is out covering it with a plain white sheet?

I hop off the back of the truck and make my way over to her to see what she's doing?

"Where are u going?" Natalie asks me but I ignore her and keep walking.

"Hello" I say as I approach Tucker's wife

"Hi darling" she says softly

"What are you doing?" I ask looking at all the covered flowers

"I'm covering them for the winter so they don't get as cold, that way I don't have to plant so many next year. It's supposed to snow soon haven't you heard?" she says as she maneuvers the sheet around

"No I guess not, why do you plant flowers out here every year? Just a hobby?" I say grabbing one of the loose sheets and helping her pull it around.

"Thank you sweetie" she says as she's able to get the blanket over more flowers. "I suppose it's a kind of hobby but I plant them more for my son" she says

"Mary" I hear Tyler shout from over by the shed. He's signalling me back to help, break must be over.

"It was nice meeting you" I say and she smiles

"Call me Mrs Harper dear" she says with a small smile as she extends her arm

"Mary" I say taking her hand before going back to the group.

We built for another hour before we where dismissed, Dawson barely even looked at me. I need to fix this.

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