30. interrogation

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"Hey" I say and he smiles

"Hey" he says back before coming inside as I shut the door behind him.

"So this is Dawson" mom says walking out of the kitchen towards us

"Hi, Mrs Parker it's nice being able to finally put a face to a voice" Dawson says smiling. Dad finally mutes the game before standing and walking over to shake Dawson's hand.

"Well supper will be ready shortly, make yourself at home" Mom says before turning around and going back into the kitchen.

"Flames and Knights?" Dawson says walking into the living room watching the Tv as my dad follows the game closely.

I go and sit on the couch before Dawson comes and joins me, continuing to watch the game.

"So your one of those gifted kid then hey?" Dad says turning to Dawson while the game shows a replay of a missed shot

"Yes, that right" Dawson says and dad nods.

"Are you allowed to talk about that or are you not allowed like the rest of that stuff" he says and Dawson smiles

"No, it's alright. I got this mind reading thing going on, if I focus really hard I can do it" he says. He's lying but honestly it's probably better that way, it would freak my dad out if he knew Dawson could so easily get inside his head.

"Oh really? What am I thinking about?" Dad says grinning and Dawson closes his eyes and makes it seem like a big deal before opening them and saying "the deck of cards on the table" and my dads jaw drops.

"Now wait a minute, did you actually just do that or was that one of those magicians tricks" he says turning his body towards Dawson blown away.

"I don't know any magic sir" Dawson says and dad smiles.

A moment later the tv turns to a ref and something must have happened that they are watching the playback footage to make a call.

"What it's gunna be?" Dad says frustrated after they still haven't came up an answer after 45 seconds of waiting.

"No goal" Dawson says and Dad looks over at him then suddenly the Ref blows the whistle and skates out to center ice before yelling "No Goal"

"What? How did you know that?" Dad says looking at him

"Dad he read the refs mind" I say speaking up

"Did you really? From our living room?" He asks shocked

"Yeah, I mean it's definitely harder to do the further I am away but yah" Dawson says shrugging and dads face is just in permanent shock. He's definitely impressed my dad now.

"Suppers ready" mom says walking into the room. I stand and Dawson follows quickly behind while dad reluctantly pulls himself away from the TV to come eat.

I sit down and Dawson sits beside me while dad and mom sit across from us as mom places a big bowl of spaghetti at the middle of the table.

After we've all dished up and began eating I look up at mom and I can already tell she's got questions prepared, thank god Dawson can prepare for them.

"So Dawson, tell me what are your plans for after school?" Mom says starting the questionnaire

"Uhm, undecided as of know, I could go traveling and take a gap year like my parents did or I could start Law School" he says calmly. Law School? I didn't know he was going to be a lawyer but honestly with his power it's perfect.

"Oh wow, What kind of lawyer" mom asks, I think that might have impressed her.

"Undecided as of now" Dawson says and she nods

   "So what does you parents do Dawson?" Dad pipes up

  "Father is a lawyer, my mother stays home and takes care of my younger sister" he says and my dad nods.

  Supper went smoother than I thought, mom lightened up after she found out Dawson had plans for law school and a good head on his shoulders and dad brought up Dawson's power again to mom to show her, they are both definitely impressed with him.

  After dinner Dawson insisted on cleaning up so I helped him while dad went back to the game and mom went in and watched with him.

  "How was that?" I ask Dawson as he rinses off a plate before placing it in the dishwasher

  "I like your parents" he smiles before finishing up and washing his hands

  "Didn't know you planned to become a lawyer" I say walking over to the table and wiping it down

  "Got to make money and keep the wife happy right" he says walking over to the table as I finish cleaning it

  "Well how else are you suppose to buy your mansion" I grin at him before walking over and dropping the rag in the sink

  "I'm not going to live in a mansion I don't think" he says watching me


  "No I prefer homes like this, has more of a family feel to it" he says looking around

  "Interesting" I say before grabbing his hand and leading him out to the living room before dropping it before my parents could see

  "We're going to go upstairs for a bit" I say walking towards the stairs as Dawson follows behind me

  "Door stays open!" Mom yells after us as we make it upstairs and into my room.

  "So this is your room" Dawson says looking around. "You can tell a lot about a person from their bedroom" he grins

  "This room doesn't even feel familiar anymore" I say sitting on the bed

  "I know the feeling" he says walking towards me when he notices my grandmas diary on my bedside table. He picks it up before opening the front page.

  "1936 huh" he says before laying down in the bed beside me as I lays down and get comfy beside him as I watch him skim.

  "I found it in the attic when we pulled down the Christmas tree, I'm part way through reading it" I say as I rest my head on his chest as he flips the page.

"I saw Clayton today for the first time since the year started, he's not to speak to me I already know it but I also know him and how that won't last long" Dawson reads out loud.

"Weird" he says

"What?" I say looking up at him as he reads more with a strange look on his face

"My Grandfathers name was Clayton"

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