26. long time coming

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He starts to kiss me but I can't help but pull away and try to process what he just said.

"What" I say confused

"Your right it is a choice, and I don't choose Natalie" he says shifting his gaze between my eyes and my lips.

"What about your parents?"

"They will probably definitely cut me off"

"Dawson" I say now feeling really guilty

"No, don't do that" he says "It will be fine, we'll talk about it another time but for now you have to come here, I've waited to long for this to be ruined by talking about my parents of all things" he says before pulling me back in towards him kissing me.

"I can't what if your parents hear or your dad hears" I say pulling away again.

"they are both asleep"

"Are you sure?" I ask concerned

"Yes, for god sakes I wouldn't be doing this if they weren't" he says rolling his eyes.

"Okay" I say before pulling him towards myself kissing him. I feel him grab my hips and start to move me onto his lap.

"Fuck" I hear him mumble against my lips as I star to run my fingers through his hair and softly pull on it.

It doesn't take long before he picks me up and flips me onto my back against the sheets and moves over top of me.

I feel him slide his hands down my side before pulling the hem of my shirt up over my head leaving me in my bra and pants.

"Lights" I say softly as he starts kissing my collar bones.

"What?" He mumbles. I'm not sleeping with him with the lights on, absolutely not happening.

I feel him reluctantly pull away from me before walking over to the door and hitting the switch off, he must have read my mind, actually he was definitely reading my mind if he's ever really listening it would be now. With the lights off there is just the reflection of Christmas lights outside shining in through his big windows, it's very calming with the snow falling outside.

I slowly unbutton the top button on my pants and unzip them before he grabs the hem on the legs of my pants and pulls them off, throwing them on the floor. He slowly lowers back into the bed hovering overtop of me before kissing me again. I rest my hands on his chest before sliding them very slowly down his torso to his belt, unbuckling it before sliding my hand under his waistband and grabbing him slowly.

"Fuck" I hear him mumble again before he slides his hand around to my back and unhooks my bra before sliding it off me leaving me exposed.

He lowers his head slowly before leaving small soft kisses all over my chest. slowly he moves off the bed and strips down to nothing. I watch him and lay in the bed wanting his warmth and touch to come back and he does.

He leans forward across the bed overtop of me to his far bedside table and shuffles through the drawer as I lay there playing with him as he just continues to grow.

He finally grabs his condom before ripping it open with his teeth and sliding it on.

"Do you need some.." he says and I look at him confused for a second before he reaches down and slides his hand into my underwear. "No, fuck your good aren't you" he grins before ripping off my underwear. I dont know why but I start to feel embarrassed I must be really wet.

"That's literally the stupidest thing I've ever heard someone think, you asked me once and that was it right there" he says grinning and shaking his head.

"What?" I say confused.

"You being embarrassed over that is like me being embarrassed that I'm hard, fuck that's really fucking hot not embarrassing" he grins and shakes his head before kissing me again and sliding his hand down in between my legs before slipping his fingers inside me. Well, okay then. He starts to kiss my neck while I begin uncontrollably moaning. Fuck.

Not long after he slides his fingers out and slides himself in and holy shit he's big, I've honestly forgot what that full feeling felt like until now.

He slowly moves back and forth really taking his time and I'm more than thankful for it.

"You good?" he asks softly and I nod. He then starts to enter me deeper and slowly picks up the pace and soon I find myself slowly moving my hips to his movements, were completely in sync right now.

I can't help be start to softly moan against his lips and neck as he moves inside me. It's when I start hearing him making sounds that it really gets me off. After a while The feeling starts growing inside me.

"Fuck" he groans against my neck and it takes me over the edge and I can feel myself building quickly. "I'm gunna-" I start moaning and he speeds up and within seconds I reach it hard and my body starts twitching and I have to push him back to stop for a moment. He has the biggest grin on his face I've ever seen.

"You good?" He asks again after a few more seconds and I finally gather myself and he repositions himself before starting up again. Not long after than I feel him start to speed up before groaning into my neck.

"Fuck" he moans before climaxing. Holy shit that was really good, like way better than before.

He hovers over me for a while longer catching his breath before sliding out of me and laying down beside me before rolling off the condom and throwing it in the garbage beside the bed. We both just lay there naked in silence staring up at the ceiling.

"Shit" I say breaking the silence and I can feel him laugh beside me while still catching his breath.

"Yah" he says after a moment.

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