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"what!?" her eyes widened like plates as she suddenly felt guilty for looking guilty as well.

he shook his head. "no. i get it... you find all this strange and probably confusing..." he started.

boki gave a second thought about it all and truth be told, she just found it hard to believe.

she couldn't believe how yoo kihyun, celebrity-look-a-like asked her out not only once, twice but three times.

why would he do such thing? why her?

did he have hidden intentions? was he planning something like.. a revenge?

revenge on what?

she had never done anything to him.

why her?

she knew he had stated that it was just eating out as friends but he had also mentioned the word date before.

did he believe it was a date before she went all crazy and tense and then changed it for a friendly thing?

the truth was that, guys like yoo kihyun wouldn't ask out girls like her on dates and much less, were they interested in being friends with girls like her.

it's not that there was a problem with do boki. it's just they belonged to two different worlds. and usually in kihyun's world, she wouldn't fit, for so many reasons.

she didn't want to suspect he had hidden intentions, she knew he was a good person and that he had changed for the good.

but it was hard to not have second thoughts about it, especially since hawon and jooheon had been insisting so much about him still being an asshole.

and then the unexpected thoughts about wonho talking bad on him flashed in her mind, in a very inconvenient time.

could bullies really change with years? could they grow up and become a different person?

persons of good?

looking at him right now, his eyes had a certain glow, like sparks. as if there was a dark sky full of stars and they were staring eagerly at her, with an intensity she had never seen before in him.

it seemed he was enjoying the view but he was also suffering for what do boki had to say.

she didn't want to hurt him. she had never been a girl who hurt others but she knew her words might affect him. "it's something without importance. let's eat, i am hungry." she decided to let it go.

boki couldn't let others influence what her opinion about him really was.

if she was about to make up an opinion about yoo kihyun, about this new yoo kihyun, it would be only because she made it by herself. not with the help of other's opinions.

but being there was too much to handle. she felt that kihyun's intense stare was almost piercing her soul and she didn't want to hurt him with her words. "excuse me, i just need fresh air for a second." she said standing from her chair.

kihyun followed her with his eyes confused.

she made it out of the restaurant and towards the parking lot, the cold night breeze brushing her face, but before she could noticed, kihyun quickly followed her. "please." he stepped into her way.

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