f o r t y s i x

387 33 19

the words echoed inside jooheon's chest.

"... coming into that aquarium almost a year ago was the best thing i've ever done since i came into this world, because i met you that night and my life is so much better with you in it and i don't want it to change, so i don't know what to do."

because i met you that night and my life is so much better with you in it...

nobody had told him that, ever. no one.

his chest suddenly started burning with an unknown desire, desire of having her between his arms, of kissing her, to kiss those lips that always talked nice things about him, the only lips.

so that's what he did. the moment stopped for a second and before he knew, again he was crashing his lips against hers, in less than a second, she returned the kiss even if it surprised her, with the same intensity and the same desire. both lips moving in perfect sync and then he knew it.

that was right. it felt right and at place.

his hands rested on her waist as he brought her close to his body, he could smell the sweet essence of her skin on his and then his heart raced to the point he felt he was having a heart attack for what he pushed her away softly, without realizing he broke the kiss.

both chests raced at the view of what have happened seconds ago. he noticed how she took her hands to her lips as if she was just checking the kiss actually happened.

jooheon didn't know what to do or say, he knew he had stepped over the line. this woman was his step brother's girlfriend and what he had done, was wrong.

but he also couldn't deny it felt so good. he opened his mouth to say something but boki's voice made him shut.

"th-that..." she mumbled, looking away but returning her eyes to jooheon. he noticed how she was touching her lips with confusion.

he swallowed hard and gathered courage to ask her that thing that made his heart skip a beat. 

"y-you said..." he couldn't finish the sentence, his knees grew weak each passing second. he wasn't going to apologize for the kiss, not in a million years, even if he knew it had been wrong, he couldn't care less about kihyun right now.

"i am so-sorry, i should get inside." boki quickly said before giving jooheon time to finish the sentence.

jooheon blinked twice as he tried to comprehend what just happened. his eyes fixed on boki's back as it quickly disappeared through the door. he was now alone in the middle of the backyard, both sad and confused.

but boki couldn't stay a single second in jooheon's presence, not after that kiss. because her chest burned with new discovered feelings that changed the perspective of everything she knew.

those feelings she had felt before... but with someone diferent, with kihyun.

and now she couldn't help but wonder if she was truly developing love feelings for jooheon too. 

but even if the memories of the kiss tormented through the night, she managed to get just a few hours of sleep.it was hard to think of it as a good thing. 

because it made her feel both guilty but also happy inside, and that's what's been tormenting her for the past hours, feeling that she liked the kiss and knowing that deep down she didn't think of kihyun not a single second. deep down she couldn't care less on how this was going to affect her relationship with kihyun. 

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