t h i r t y e i g h t

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boki couldn't believe her own ears. she blinked twice as shock wouldn't leave her face. "a-are you staying here?" she muttered, somehow she didn't want to be heard. but soon mrs. do appeared on the door's frame, behind jooheon, laughing.

"ah it's you guys... i thought you were going to arrive later on... come inside, it's cold out there." jooheon quickly removed his shoes as he stepped in first. boki stared at her mom with shocked eyes.

"is he-

"ah yes, i forgot to tell you... he's staying in the guest's room... since you guys have vacation, i told jooheonie he could stay here to avoid spendind too much time on trains and public transport." mrs. do said as she walked into the kitchen. a few seconds later she returned with two cups of tea for the both of them.

"here. drink something warm... and remember take a bath before going to sleep. we have plenty work tomorrow morning, right?" she said to jooheon who quickly nodded.

"sure eomoni." she turned to look at jooheon as if he had grew three heads.

"eomoni?" she asked shocked. both jooheon and boki's mother laughed.

"ah... cut the drama, he's like family now." she seemed confused over the sudden mother-son relationship they developed in such short time.

"what exactly are you guys doing in the morning? the restaurant doesn't open until noon." she said sipping the warm ginger tea.

mrs. do folded fresh washed clothes as she glanced at her. "well... i figured since jooheonie is here, he could help us around with some things... instead i'll give him bonuses."

"what kind of things?" boki asked confused. jooheon took a seat on the living room's couches as he drank the tea quietly. "well... my old car... it needs to be repaired."

"but you hate driving." boki quickly said. she just nodded. "i know. i know... it's not for me." with this, boki quickly left the cup in the coffee table and followed her mom around, as she walked, collecting more clothes that were scattered around.

"explain yourself?" bona turned and sighed, as if she was tired.

"you know... since jooheon is working here... i figured out we might add delivery services... he's going to try to repair the car." boki frowned. it wasn't a bad idea actually.

"i can do some delivery in the night time, just a couple of hours, but that could improve the sales." jooheon said nodding. boki nodded. "it's actually a good idea... i could also help." mrs. do eyes widened.

"oh tell me more!" she explained, jooheon joined them in the kitchen area.

"i mean... business now moves through social media... i could... create an instagram account, we could post some pictures of the food we sell... think about promos and we could spread the voice of the delivery during dinner time."

jooheon's eyes sparkled. "that could attract lots of clients."

bona's eyes sparkled too, she pinched boki's cheeks.

"ahh that's my cute girl, who's studying business... you're starting to think like a ceo."

boki rolled her eyes. "mom... it's just an idea."

"an idea we're doing, right eomoni?" jooheon said. boki's mom quickly nodded. "starting now! go... go create that account and tomorrow we'll take pictures." she said grabbing the basket with the clothes.

"i am so excited." she added. boki smiled as she joined jooheon in the living room.

"i always talk about your poor judgement... - jooheon started, she knew he was talking about kihyun - but gotta admit this is actually a good idea." he finally said, pulling two candies from his pocket, he threw one at her face.

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