e p i l o g u e

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the day was finally here. the break was over and classes would return, such as her. she had to go back to campus and to classes in general.

 but things were going to be different now, very much. especially since she was done with kihyun and now jooheon was going to attend the same university. 

it was probably going to be a bit awkward. but she was used to awkward situations by now.

the campus seemed quiet, even though there were plenty people around, everyone seemed somehow tired or probably disappointed to be back. that's common whenever students come back from vacations.

she looked around, wondering if jooheon had arrived already. even though her mom lent them her car for college, jooheon was staying in a different part of the campus, usually with other boys, while boki was with girls. so she hadn't talk nor see him today.

"yah! boki!" a familiar male voice made her stop on her tracks. she sighed in relief when she noticed it wasn't neither jooheon or kihyun. 

it was wonho instead.

he walked hesitant steps towards her, trying to smile. immediately boki knew something was off. 


he scratched the back of his head, an awkward smile. he approached her. "how are you? i am sorry i didn't have time to go visit you, you mom invited me a couple of times, but- he sighed as if he was tired, shaking his head softly - i guess i was really busy."

"don't worry. are you okay? is there something wrong?" boki knew her friends by now, wonho was usually a very happy guy, but today he looked really weird.

"no... well... yes, actually- he ran a hand through his hair - there's something i wanted to talk about?" he grabbed her hand softly and pushed her to one of the college's secret halls. 

she frowned. "what is it?" her heart raced with expectation. judging by wonho's face, it didn't seem like good news.

"listen... hawon told me about your break up with kihyun. let me tell you, i am happy, i mean... thanks god."

"then why are you acting weird?"

"well - he bit his lip softly, a frown appearing on his face - i wanted to confess something. 

she felt her temples throbbing at this moment. hawon just confessed something to her yesterday, related to kihyun. And now wonho was trying to confess something as well? was it related with kihyun?

it couldn't be. 

"what is it?" she seemed desperate at this point. wonho on the other hand, seemed embarrased.

"well... i kinda almost got arrested this break-

"what!?" she exclaimed, both quickly looked around to see if there were any curious eyes but they were practically alone in the hallway. 

"shh, keep your voice down! - he exclaimed, swallowing hard - well, remember that videogame i got last month? before its release?"

boki just nodded. "somehow authorities found out and called me for an interrogation, the videogame company wanted to press charges, thanks god my aunt is a lawyer and she got me out of that with a deal." he said looking down. 

"but- h-how did that happen? do they have that kind of technology to track down people who got the videogame before its release?"

wonho looked ar her with a poker face. "of course not. someone told them about me."

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