t h i r t y t w o

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jooheon was impressed with how delicious the food was. he couldn't remember last time he ate such good dishes.

he showered with compliments boki's mom cook and of course, she loved it. jooheon seemed like this perfect older son she would have dreamt with having.

she squeezed his cheeks as she brought more food. boki looked at the scene and felt her heart melting.

jooheon seemed the happiest ever, right there, with their company and she loved it.

she loved the way he smiled non-stop and how comfortable he felt just by spending time with them.

boki couldn't help but wonder if her boyfriend would fit in like this. in this exact scene. if her mother would approve him or not. if she'd be so nice to him like she was with jooheon.

kihyun was surely a gentleman, he was well mannered and refined. he was respectful and smart, you could say he had it all.

but lately, boki wasn't as sure as she was before. lately she had seen some sides of him that were new to her. sides that she didn't imagine that he'd have them.

she wasn't sure if it was something positive or negative. after all, she thought we were all humans and we can't only be perfect. she thought kihyun looked so perfect before that it seemed almost unreal.

because it was. it was unreal.

she knew he would have some things she wouldn't like, and viceversa. it's just, she didn't think of it until now. until it happened.

she glanced at her phone for the twentieth time and didn't find any texts or missed calls. nothing.

they have had a small fight, it wasn't even a fight, it was just an awkward moment and it had been because of jooheon.

she stood for herself and apparently he didn't like it. what else could she do?

boki thought, she couldn't be begging after him. it was useless. id he didn't do it, she wouldn't do it either. because she had done nothing wrong.

looking at jooheon, her heart skipped a beat as she soon forgot her phone on the table and focused on his happy expression as he ate deliciously.

but then her eyes diverted from him to a silhouette on the streets, in the distance.

it was dark so she couldn't see perfectly through the damped window since it rained at some point of the night.

the side profile seemed slightly familiar and she thought for a second it was kihyun, but then she blinked and the silhouette was gone.

she sighed as she ran a hand through her hair, shaking her head as if she was shaking her thoughts away.

it wasn't him. he wasn't there.

it was impossible. he didn't know the address of the restaurant, he didn't even know the name of it. it wasn't him.

"are you alright kumquat?" boki's mother was gone inside the kitchen and they were left alone. he had his mouth full of rice.

"uh? yeah... of course." she said nodding as she finished her soup. he glanced at her with doubtful eyes. "i think you need to sleep. you look tired. let's go." he said finishing the last on his plate as he grabbed his things.

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