t w e n t y s i x

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"not so fast... next time, dinner's on you." the way jooheon said it somehow triggered a weird feeling inside boki's chest.

"yah!" she said frowning, hitting him with a napkin. "what?" he asked confused and almost shocked.

"it's the most fair thing to do since i am buying you dinner right now." he said pointing at the noodles.

"i didn't ask you to do it, you offered!" she exclaimed, making jooheon's eyes roll. "you ungrateful punk!" he said throwing a piece of green onion towards her face.

her eyes widened as she removed it quickly. "you don't insult the person who is buying you food, didn't your mom teach you anything? were you raised by wolves?" he asked, hands on his waist as his eyes judge her.

boki swallowed hard as she looked down. "alright... i guess you're right. i am sorry." she said, once she thought about what her mother would say if she saw her acting that way.

jooheon nodded as he crossed his arms on his chest. "yeah. that's what i thought. now eat your noodles, they're getting cold." he said pushing the plate towards her.

she glanced at him but then kept eating in silence. she noticed how jooheon ate deliciously the food and couldn't help but compare him with kihyun on her mind.

they were different. it was something she knew and had realized by now but every time jooheon did or said something, a thought of kihyun would immediately pop into her mind and she'd think about how different they both were.

for example, kihyun ate delicately, he was naturally well-mannered and held the chopsticks or cutlery in a graceful way, he ate small bites without any noises or spilling around.

jooheon on the other hand seemed more passionate about eating the food. he was surely careless but he tasted and enjoyed the meals given to him. he'd eat either with chopsticks or his hands, he'd lick his finger and even the plate if it was needed. he'd close his eyes and make noises that clearly provided with a positive judgment of the food.

"ahh this was so good." he said cleaning his lips with the sleeve of his sweater. boki stared at him with curious eyes. "aren't you going to eat that?"

she glanced at her plate and there was still about the 3rd part of her noodles left but truth be told she was full already. portions were big in that place.

boki shook her head and pushed the bowl towards him. "you can finish it if you want."

his eyes sparkled at the suggestion to which he quickly snatched the bowl from her hands and proceeded to end it.

she stared at him and wondered if he cooked for himself, if he knew how to, since every time they've ate something together, he always seemed to be enjoying it as if he almost never ate nor knew how to make the things he was enjoying at the moment.

she'd always see his food bags with pre-made food like instant noodles, instant rice and everything instant.

but wondering if he was good at cooking became the minor of her worries, when suddenly she remembered him playing football at the campus.

"jooheon-ssi?" she called his name.

he looked up at her, interrupting his date with the left noodles. "hmm?" he hummed.

"do you play football regularly?" she asked. it was something she had been asking herself since that day she saw him playing. he seemed to be pretty skilled with the ball.

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