t h i r t y s i x

424 31 11

it was hard to fall asleep after everything he confessed. boki couldn't just stop thinking about it. his perfect lips, moving in sync, confessing all the bad things he had done, just as if he was revealing his favorite pizza topping.

could there be people like that?

either way, she found herself alone in her room, late night, hugging her pillow as her mind worked in all directions.

she had a very big important test tomorrow, to which she had been studying for the past days and she should focus on that first, career was always first.

but then her phone lightened next to her, a text.

kihyunnie: i hope you're really not angry with me..?

kihyunnie: i know you said you weren't but i can't help but worry

kihyunnie: i don't want us to fight anymore, please?

she swallowed hard at the texts. it was obvious he seemed desperate about knowing where they stood after his confesion. but boki didn't have time nor will to think about it when she had a important test tomorrow. also, she didn't want to rush taking decisions to later regret about.

boki: it's okay. don't worry... i told you i am not angry at you

boki: i don't want to fight either, let's not talk about it anymore.

boki: it's late and i have to study for my test tomorrow, we'll talk later yes?

boki: good night x

she pushed her phone away and returned her attention to the books, at least that would keep her entertained for the rest of the night.

and it did. before she realized it was morning already and after rushing with a bath and breakfast, she arrived the campus early in the morning, only to realize she was number 34 in the long queue to go inside the classroom. it was the final exam for one of the core subjects so there were plenty people waiting to go inside. she spotted wonho in the distance. he waved at her.

"yah! you look like shit." he admitted as he put an arm around her. it was true, she hadn't have time to makeup or style her hair that morning. what she thought would be just 5 more minutes of sleep, turned into almost 45.

"shut up... i fell asleep." she said glancing around, somehow nervous and not knowing why. what was she expecting to find? both things frightened her. she didn't want to see kihyun yet, because of everything he confessed the night before.

but she also didn't want to see jooheon because she felt she would not be able to look into his eyes after everything she knew kihyun had done to him. she cursed herself for kind of forcing kihyun to confess everything because she was now caight in a big mess, a mess of lies and she hated, the only thought of lying to jooheon.

because deep inside she also knew she couldn't just confess to him everything that khyun told her the night before.

"number 32, 33, 34 and 35..." wonho turned to look at her and shook her softly to wake her up from her trance.

"it's us. let's go." he said dragging her inside the classroom. just when she was about to go inside, her eyes caught the silhouette of him. his eyes posed on her, slightly worried but changed in seconds, to a confident look.

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