fo r t y t w o

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"i don't know... i'll have to look for something better to have fun with, because it's not fun anymore. he keeps getting jobs so it's getting tiring for me." boki's eyes widened as she bit her tongue. 

are you even listening to yourself?... she wanted to ask him, but she didn't know how kihyun would react. in fact, she felt like she didn't know kihyun at all. this man, her boyfriend, could be sweet a second and then intimidating and full of bad intentions the next one. she didn't know how he'd take it and how he'd react, what he'd say to her. and she hated herself for being so insecure. for not having the courage to stand up against him, to confront him. because she didn't know what she feared of. 

kihyun smiled at her confusion. "it's okay. don't worry... i won't interfere with jooheon's jobs anymore, you asked me that and i'll give that to you." she couldn't believe her own ears. kihyun frowned when he noticed she stayed quiet for a long minute. he licked his lips and then grabbed the glass of soju and drank a sip. 

"so?" he asked then. boki blinked twice as if she had been awakened from a trance. 

"uh... what?" she asked. kihyun just laughed softly. 

"you're a bit distracted, aren't you?"

"its just- i am having a hard time processing everything." with this, kihyun turned slightly serious. he leaned forward and stared into her eyes with intensity. 

"what do you mean?" it was disappointing for him, seeing her so confused. 

"well... y-you can't expect me to respond to that statement you just did."he frowned again, as if he was utterly confused. 

"why not?" she looked into his eyes, debating carefully what words to choose next. 

"everything's wrong kihyun." with this he sat straight in the chair and blinked a few times, clearly offended. 

"wrong how?" she shook her head, glancing at jooheon in the distance, biting her tongue. she didn't want to bring jooheon up, but with what he said, she felt as if she needed to. 

"you keep talking like this... as if you wanted to hurt jooheon all the time - his eyes focused on her with something similar to coldness and boki couldn't understand why he'd look like that if he was just talking to her.

but her grandma used to say, people hate when you tell the truth to their faces. 

maybe he was hating her right now? it was hard to know, because he reached for her hand across the table, softly squeezing it. 

"it's not hurtful... it's just a kids game babe, really, there's nothing to worry about."

"it worries me. you're not kids anymore." she quickly said, her voice serious, she wanted him to know she wasn't kidding around. but the way she quickly seemed to defend jooheon, wasn't pleasing kihyun at all.

"are you standing against me in order to defend him? don't you think you're growing too attached to him?" her eyes widened at his sudden statement, she leaned back, letting go of his hand. 

"what are you talking about?" his jaw clenched as he mantained the stare towards her. 

"i mean... he's working here after all, he shares with you everyday... he sees you here, all the time while me, the actual boyfriend, is miles away, longing to see you and you only make excuses about how far is it and useless stuff like that, when you know i don't mind about any of that." he spoke with confidence, he was sure of what he was saying. and boki couldn't blame him, because deep down, she knew he spoke nothing but the truth. 

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