s i x t e e n

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"woah, there's a lot of people." wonho said as they walked into the bar. there were around 20 tables, all full except for theirs. hawon had made a reservation since it was hyungwon's concert.

"the bar area is also packed." hawon said as they sat on the small table. boki glanced around to see if there were more classmates but they were the only ones from s's university.

"is hyungwon here already?" she asked hawon, but her friend had her eyes stuck on her phone. "i assume, yes."

"hawon-ah..." wonho called her as he glared at boki.


"aren't we going to talk about this one dating that asshole?" he asked worriedly. hawon sighed.

"listen. i won't lose my tongue doing that. i already told her that she shouldn't but she won't listen to me, much less she's going to listen to you so stop." hawon said a bit annoyed.

they've had the conversation the whole way to the club and boki had nothing else to do than roll her eyes.

"so let's move on, alright?" hawon added as she went through her instagram timeline.

"i appreaciate you're concerned about me, but i'll be fine. i promise." boki said with a sweet smile, placing a reassuring hand on her friend's shoulder.

wonho closed her eyes and sighed in the middle of a shook of disapproval. "anyway..." he mumbled.

"what can i get you?" the three of them turned around to find their waiter, waiting almost impatiently.

boki's eyes widened when she recognize those blonde silver locks and big eyes. "jooheon-ssi?" she said out of nowhere.

jooheon looked down and then realization hit him. "kumquat?"

the three of them frowned at the odd nickname. jooheon laughed almost devilish. "what are you doing here?" he asked.

wonho and hawon looked at the pair with curious eyes. "what is kumquat?" wonho asked confused.

"it's like a really tiny orange."

"then why- wonho started but then he burst out in laugh. "haha kumquat!" he said, hands on his stomach.

jooheon laughed as well. "you get it?"

"i don't get it!" boki was the only one who wasn't laughing. "you're small." jooheon said with a poker face.

boki crossed her arms on her chest. "maybe you're too tall."

"i don't think so – jooheon said with a smirk. "are you friends with boki?" hawon asked curiously.

jooheon glared with disgust at boki. "me? friends with this stubborn head? god save me."

all of them stared at him with confusion. "she's the most stubborn woman i've ever met."

"why would you say that?" hawon was almost ready to stand from the table and provide him with a great slap.

"have you seen the wacko she's dating?" jooheon asked with a sly smirk.

but then hawon sat and smiled. "i like him already." she mumbled to both wonho and boki. "enough." boki said with a serious tone.

"do you work here?" she asked.

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