Getting to America

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"Hey thanks for getting me here"
"No problem kid. Good luck on life"

I finally made it to New York! Its funny though, it seems like death cant leave me alone. The ship managed to catch fire.

Thats right.

A large boat in and surrounded by water. Caught fire.

Im not even gonna get into the logistics of how that's even possible.

Right now I gotta figure out what im gonna do. I know for a fact that i want to get a good education. Better than any i could get on the island. I should also probably find somewhere to stay.

I need a drink.

I walk into a bar nearby so I can take a break. "One beer please" I say. "Hey, you don't sound like you're from around here" a guy states.
"And who are you" I question as i try to study their stature.

"Oh sorry. Im aaron burr" he responds.
"Alexander Hamilton".
"But yeah, you dont sound like your from around here. I'd say...British?"
"Definitely not. I dont know why people keep thinking that. Anyways, I'm from the Caribbean"
"Have you been here before?"
"No. Its my first time being here. And as for the voice, I'm part Scottish! Not British".
"Heh, you seem to have a lot of enthusiasm."

We continued to talk for a while, it almost seemed like forever. "Well, it was nice meeting you Hamilton. I gotta go". I grab his arm as he stands up. "Wait. Can I stay with you? I dont have anywhere to go" "Well I'm at a college but I think i know someone who'll be fine with you staying with them."

We leave the bar an start walking around the area. I start questioning my trust in him at this point. He leads me to this rather nice house and knocks on the door.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask, suddenly ready to run for my life.
"To someone who might be able to help you: Washington"

He nods while continuing to look at the door. Something seems off...

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