Its Too Late To Say That You're Sorry-

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"I take back everything i said about being a werewolf. Its freaking awesome!" I shout.

The leader, who i found out is named Benny (I like In The Heights sorry not sorry) smiled.

"Ugh i should probably go back to college..." I just remembered why I even came here. I wonder if i apologize i wont be hated as much.

"Oi hamilton! I didnt know you were in college. No wonder you're so short, you're not even adult yet" benny joked.

"Fuck you. Im not short and even if i was I could take you on in a fight"

He stands up

"Is that a challenge?"

"Yeah it's a challenge"

"Fine. I'll let you get a few free hits" he scoffs.

I hit him once in the gut. It was ineffective. I punch him a few more times which also did nothing.

I grab a chair and threw it at Benny. The chair broke but that was partly because I nearly missed. Im regretting life decisions.

"Are you done?" He asks casually.

"Almost" I say before punching him in the face. Considering his reaction I actually hurt him.

The look he gave me told me I should either run or give up.

I have never run so fast in my life. I think fear is useful when running a marathon. People run a lot quicker when being chased by something that could easily kill you.

Its hamil-scientifically proven

I ran for a few blocks before attempting to cross the street without getting hit by a car. I actually wish i wasnt being chased because I sprinted through Central Park and its a really nice area.

This was basically the world's most aggressive version of tag.

The college was just across the street when i realized how close benny was. I ran across but froze when i saw a car coming towards me. Benny froze too even though he was standing on the sidewalk.

So me being stupid, and slightly drunk still, pit my hands out to stop the car.

And it worked. I looked towards Benny.

"Did you know i could do that?!" I shout.

He just smirks and starts chasing me again. I scramble up to the window of my dorm. I open the window but im shocked to see John and Jefferson.

Making out

"Oh hey guys, looks like youre busy so im Just gonna go..." I start moving away.

"Alex wait! We're sorry for what we said-" I leave before John can finish what he's saying.

"Hey Benny I'll see you next... Next time we run into each other"

He punches me in the arm before waving goodbye and leaving.

Well then. My morning is off to a great start.


I was reading a book in my room when i heard a knock. at the door.

"Come in" I sigh already knowing who it is.

Ang and Peggy open the door and walk inside.

"Hey 'liza, we weren't able to find Alex..." Peggy starts. I light a small flame without looking up from my book.

"B-but! John and Jefferson said they saw him last night so hes not dead!"

"Yet..." I mutter.

"Come on , Eliza. There's no way hes dead. Alex is probably the toughest guy I know"

Im barely paying attention because guess who i just saw dangling in front of the window?

Freaking Alex

I quickly get up and open the window, grabbing his hand before he can fall. We kinda just stare at each other for a few seconds, smiling.

"Well hello there miss Schuyler. Fancy meeting you here. Do you mind helping me out before i fall?" He says.

I nod before pulling him in the room.

"Where the heck did you go!? You said You werent coming back!" I pull him into a tight hug.

"Well I was gonna get a ticket back home but anything thats not free is expensive for me..."

"Hold on, i gotta tell the others" I shoot a quick text and sure enough, a few seconds later John, Thomas, laf and Herc ran in the room.

"Now guys, isnt there something you want to say tp Alex?" I ask.

They all look confused. I mouth the words "i will burn you" and everyone starts apologizing to him.

"Geez eliza your such a mom friend" alex jokes. "And relax guys, I should be the one apologizing. I shouldnt have cheated on the first place"

"But you couldve been dead!" Herc says.

"I could've. Then i found some... Friends... And that kinda took my mind off stuff"

"You do realize there's blood on you, right?"

Hes silent and walks out the room. I turn to everyone else.

"Good news! You all get to live another day"

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