Thomas, You're my Favorite Annoyance

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Its 8 am and im laying on the couch with Alex who's asleep.

How'd this happened? Long story...

Last Night

"Let go of my arm!" I yell. Alex still doesn't stop biting my arm.

Ugh why'd he have to be attacked by a werewolf. Id like to keep my arm, thank you very much.

I get an idea. John might kill me but that doesnt really matter.

I grab one of his turtles.

"Hey Alex look what i have" he lets go and stares at the turtle in my hand.

I sit on the couch. Hamilton follows suit and snifs the turtle.

"Hmhm maybe being a werewolf isnt so bad" I say.

I lay down and go through stuff on my phone. Alex nudges my arm. I lift it and he lays down.

Long story short, Alex fell asleep on me.

"Hey Alex, wake up" I tap his shoulder.

I hear a mumbled "shut up and let me sleep." Ha, youd think hes nicer after sleeping.

So, i shoved him off the couch

"Ow! What the hell?!" He says.

"I said it was time to wake up"

"You didnt need to push me off the couch!"

"Push is such a strong word. I prefer to call it... giving you a little nudge"

He glares at me from the floor.

"Whats the deal anyway? Do you like me or not?"

"Wow, way to be subtle"

"Subtle is my middle name" i joke.

"So, your full name... is Thom-ass subtle jeffersh-"

"Yeah i get the point. Is it a yes or no"

"Yes or no what?"

"You're oblivious as- just admit wether you like me or not"

"I'm fond of you"

"That's not an answer Hamilton"

"Yes it is. I gave you an answer, i tolerate your existence"

"Just answer the question! We kissed, you were just sleeping by me. Do you love me?"

Hes silent for a moment


"Thank you! Now was that so hard?"

"Yes, it was. Almost as hard as not working and resisting coffee. What happened yesterday anyway?"

Its amazing how he can completely change the subject so quickly.

"Uhh well john c-can tell you that..." I run to his room and drag john out.

"What the heck man?! I was sleeping!" He exclaims.

"Too bad. Tell him"

"Alex youre a werewolf. Can i go back to bed now?"

"Wow, you both are terrible at being subtle- im sorry what?" He says.

"Do i need to spell it out for you?" I ask annoyed.

"Please. If you can spell anything I'll date you" he teased.

I look at John who's glaring at me, then back at Alex.

"Ok. A-n-y-t-h-i-n-g"

He makes a small gasp before saying "Touché. Welp, a deals a deal"

John pushes past me.

"You can't be serious" he says.

"Hey, I rarely make promises. The ones I make, I keep"

Then he looked back at me.

"Thomas, you garbage, magenta wearing moron, will you go out with me?"

"Geez, if that's how you ask people our, how'd laurens end up with you?" I ask.

"Neither of us asked each other out... Is that a yes?"

"Um, yes" I respond blatantly. "Now can we address the fact that you're a werewolf?"

"Oh yeah sure. WHAT DID YOU DO?!" He yells.

"Nothing. Its your fault for getting in a fight with werewolves"

"Whats gonna happen to me? Am i going to die?!"

"Well not exactly...see this?" I take out a piece of silver. "This can kill you"

"Why do you even have that?"

"Im a demon, I have something to kill anyone. Even cats. Damn those 9 lives..."


"Yep, and I'm an angel" John says.

"Oh my God I'm going insane!"

"No, you're not-"

Alex fainted.

I never thought those words would be in the same sentence.

C.K. Hey guys. For those of you subscribed to my channel, there's an important video I uploaded. If you already saw it, I'm still gonna make chapters in here so I can take my mind off what happened. Thanks for the support.


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