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Hhh my first official day of college. I walk into the classroom and it immediately seems like all eyes are on me. I'm spooked when I hear a voice from behind me. "Everyone take your seats, I'm your teacher John Adams." I'm about to take my seat when i feel a hand on my shoulder. "Youre the new student right? Go ahead and tell the class about yourself" he said.

"Oh umm my name is Alexander Hamilton and I'm from the Caribbean. The island of Nevis." Hm, so far so good. "I guess I'm part Scottish since I'm the son of a Scotsman. And I'm willing to take on any challenge..." I start to trail off. Something -no someone- caught me off guard.

While I was talking I noticed this one guy who seemed to not care at all. I glanced over when i was going over how ill take on any challenge and the guy was flipping me off! For someone who looked like a grape with an afro he sure had a lot of courage. I had a gut feeling this wouldn't be the last of his mockery

~After Class~

"I bet you were surprised I understand Lafayette" I joked with john. "Well not everyone can speak multiple languages like you Alex" he said.
"I'm just saying. Hey, do you know if the cafe is open?"
"You already had two cups this morning. Dont you think that enough?
"Haha your funny."

Thats when things went south

It all happened so fast. We turned the corner and I immediately got shoved to the ground.

"Hey! What the heck do you think youre doing?!" I shouted.
"Who do you think- oh my god you're the guy from class..."
"I have a name! Its thomas Jefferson before you ask."
I quickly stand up before john tries to help me. "Hey leave him alone! He's new here!."

That sparked something in me. "Its fine john let me handle my own problem." Yeah, that definitely went well since future me is dying in a fire. (Sorry 4th wall. YOU WILL BE REPAIRED) I stood up straight, (NOT hehe) stared Jefferson in the eyes and no higher, flipped him off and kicked them in the nuts, walking away. "Seems you need to learn to listen
thom-ass." Haha...why do i do these things to myself.

Next thing i know, my body was slammed into a locker. "So you think your funny!?" Jefferson started punching me in the gut and chest making it hard to breathe. He stops and I fall to my knees. "Hahaha I dont think, I know. Hhhh but I dont think youve ever had Hhh a thought in your life!" I could hear 'ooh's from the crowd that formed around us. I used that to my advantage a distraction and kicked Jefferson at the bend of his leg making him fall.

You learn something new every day.

I learned three things:

Dont get cocky

Don't anger the "beast" when youre unprepared

And dont turn your back on whoever the hell you're fighting

I managed to do the opposite if all three in ten minutes.

Jefferson threw me to a wall and kicked me in the crotch. Holding a grudge much? He started punching me in the face until I was met with a certain, familiar moment.

I couldnt hear anything
My vision was getting blurry
I was losing consciousness
This had happened before and its happening again
This was a moment I knew well -almost too well-

I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory...

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