Life Sucks and so do Vaccumes

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I feel a sudden cold splash and I jolt awake; breathing heavily.

"Alexander, I'm I glad you're alive!" Someone says. My eyes slowly adjust to the light and I see Eliza. Or at least I see her first before her sisters. Eliza is holding my hand as I feel the light hug from Peggy and Eliza.

Wait... I see something

"Alexander are you alright?" Eliza says. I hadn't even noticed she was waving her hand in front of my face.

"...I swear I'm seeing things now" I mumble under my breath. Or so I thought. I guess the sisters heard me because now I can see the worry in their eyes.

"Alexander what are you talking about? Are you ok?" Ang said

"I don't know. I feel weird..." I say.

"What happened Alex?" Peggy asks.

"Some guy came to my dorm when I was packing up to come here... They stabbed my neck with something" I say as I try to stand buy fail.

"Here, you can rest on the couch" she says while carrying me to said couch. I forget how light I am and constantly get surprised when someone can pick me up.

"But I dont want to rest" I whine.

"Alex, I will physically take you home, pretend to be your mom and call you in sick" she threatened.
I fell dead silent after heating those words. Eliza glanced at me with a worried look then looked back at Peggy.

"Hey Peggy, I need to talk to you in a minute" she says. God, I love her. Platonically of course. But she's always there to save the day which always happens to keep me alive. Speaking of.

"Ang, you can go ahead back to class" I declare. I could tell by the look in her eyes she wanted to protest but chose not to and left.

"And liza, I'd prefer that I have a moment alone." Oh no, mom mode reactivated.

"Alex no"



"Ughh just leave me alone"

"What are you going to do if I do?"

" doesn't concern you much"


"God damnit Eliza! I was going to cut myself ok?!" Tears started to prick my eyes when I said that. I forgot Peggy was here too. Eliza grabbed something from the bathroom and came back to me.

"Here" she hands me this thing that looks relatively close to something ive seen in a musical. I can't remember what its called though.

"What is this?"

"What do you think? Its something to help with the way you act at times" I just stared at her.

"Why do I feel like it's not ment for that"

"Nothing gets past you does it, Sherlock."

"Haha yeah" I say sarcastically while taking the thing. "Yeah, no shit Sherlock. Which reminds me, I have a response to that. Too bad you're innocent and disapprove of cursing"

"I'm not innocent!"

"Haha keep lying to yourself" this has been an ongoing debate. And yet we both know shes innocent. Eliza just wont admit it.

"I can be bad!"

"One, its not being bad it's called having a mental dictionary of all expletives. And flipping people off"

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