Good Job, You're Alive

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I was hanging out with a few of Alex's friends when I could smell smoke.

"Guys? Do you smell that?" I asked.

"Yeah..." Herc said. "Could be Eliza"

"I don't think so... We should check to make sure" laf suggested.

We nodded before leaving the room.

Horrified is an understatement when I saw Alex's dorm on fire.

Then I saw someone carrying Alex out the room and rushed towards him.

"Is he alive?! Please tell me he's ok" I say.

"He's gonna be taken to a hospital along with those two" he points to John and Jefferson who were being taken out side. I dont know how but I didnt hear the sirens outside.

He takes Alex outside and im assuming to the hospital. I rode with herc and laf to get there and was not happy when i saw Alex.

I cant lose him too. Hes all the family i have left that i know of.

I jumped when the room door swung open and a guy I recognized ran in.

"Where is my son?!" He yelled.

"You're Washington right? Alex is ok... I think. And- wait, son?" I was already confused.

"Yes, im Washington. I called alex son because that's how I think of him. Are you sure he's ok?"

"Im not sure-" Jefferson and john walked in. "How are you guys ok?" I asked.

"Im literally ftom the depths of hell where theres a bunch of fire. Doesnt mean im immune to it though" Jefferson said.

"I wasn't in the fire that long" John starts. "Alex saved me. Speaking of, is he ok?"

"I uh... I don't know. I'm not leaving his side till he wakes up though"

"Someone started that fire though. The door was locked or something when we tried to leave" he says.

I swear im going to find whoever did this.


So fire hurts. And i think i might be dead. Key word 'think'. Or i guess thought.

I woke up in a hospital and was immediately hugged by james.

"...Geez, how long was i out?" I ask.

"A while" he says, still not letting go.

I look up to see Washington, John and Thomas. Then i look back at James.

"Hey james, wanna help me beat the shit out of someone?"

"What the heck! No. Why?"

"Well... Theres a person by the name of maria Reynolds. Hate her. Don't know why she wont leave me alone. She started the fire."

"I don't know Alex..." He says.

"Ugh... John, can you give me your phone a sec?"

John tosses me his phone and i shoot a quick text to Eliza.

HamilTONofCoffee: hey liza? You tend to threaten to burn people

BurntCinnaRoll: where are you going with this

HamilTONofCoffee: so a certain creature from the pits of hell tried to kill me

BurntCinnaRoll: say no more! Meet me at my dorm ASAP

I throw john his phone back and stand up before realising my arm is still broken. I should probably take care of that.

"Where are you going Alex? You still have to heal" washington says.

"Sir, at this point for all i know, im immortal. I shouldve died from the fire, I shouldve died from the hurricane. Heck, i shouldve died from the ship fire i still can't explain! Ill. Be. Fine." I walk out the room, igniting the fact that I probably cheated death for the 5th time.

Welp, Eliza is probably gonna kill Maria.

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