The Unimaginable

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After I'm done vomiting, I stand up from the ground and look at myself in the mirror. And its worth noting I'm one grave away from looking like death.

My skin is paler then usual because, you guessed it, i just threw up. I have bags under my eyes from complete lack of sleep. My hair came out of it's ponytail and is now plastered to my face. Theres now a slightly visible stain of vomit on my shirt. I bet if someone on the street saw me, they'd think I got drunk.

I wash my face and hands, not in that order. For once, I consider changing clothes and actually go through with it.

I change into some dark blue jeans and start putting on a shirt I recently got when theres the subtle feeling I'm being watched. I turn around and see the angel and demon are staring at me.

I don't know if it's just me or common knowledge, but arent hallucinations supposed to, I dont know...DISAPPEAR?!

Then it hits me

You know how in cartoons the characters will sometimes have an angel and devil on their shoulder to kinda decide on wether they should do good or evil?(Alex, I swear if you break the fourth wall again...wait...).

Yeah, cartoons teach about having a moral compas. Go figure.

Anyways, this may be the dumbest, most idiotic thing I've ever thought of, but what if theyre the IRL version of an animated moral compass? And if they are, where were they around 6 and a half years ago?!

I guess i should ask them while they're here

"Excuse me if I sound like an idiot, but are you the two guys that convince me wether or not to do stupid stuff?" I ask.

They look at each other for a moment as if trying to comprehend the words that just came out of my mouth. I mean, if I was asked that question I'd think the person is mental.

They both nod. Well then. Either their telling the truth or im going insane. Might as well go with the one that won't stop me from going to college.

I hadnt noticed this until now, but they went from looking at my body to staring at my arms. Fuuuu- i forgot I was still getting dressed and my arms were visible.

It doesnt really matter to me

As long as John and Jefferson dont see I'll be fine.

I dont want to be some jerk's punching bag for the rest of my life. I also dont want to freak out my roommate.

I finish getting dressed then go back to the schuylers dorm.


I watch as Hamilton leaves the room before letting out a sigh. Right before Laurens drop kicked me.

"What the hell?!" I yell.

"Didn't you see the cuts on his arms!?!" He shouted, "You probably did that to him!"

"What do you mean"

"Havent you noticed the way he acts?"

"What are you- are you trying to say I made him depressed?!" I'm almost offended by this. I bully Hamilton, so what. I know i didn't cause him to cut... Right?

"He probably fell in a bush or something" I scoffed.

"Yeah well, if it's something else you might as well punch your own ticket to back where you came"


"No, the end of a rainbow- where else is a demon from?!"

"Well Hamilton exists so I guess the Caribbean"

"Wow. You dont love him. You just think of him as entertainment".

Im about to object when he pins me against a wall.

"Give me one reason to not kill you right now" john says.

"Because one, that would be murder, even by heavenly standards. And two, we lied to hamilton saying we're the guys on his shoulder that tell him what to do. If I die he'll get suspicious." He lets go of me as if only now realizing the situation we're in.

"Fine. But if you hurt Alex, so help me I will hurt you"

"Ok mom" I say sarcastically.

I brush my clothes off. Here's a helpful tip.

Angel dust is like glitter. It looks really nice but almost impossible to get off. Approach with caution.

We change back then leave the dorm. I just hope Hamilton doesnt depend on us to know right from wrong.
Then again... Its Hamilton.


It's been some time but Alex does eventually make it back to the dorm. Call it what you want, but I'm immediately worried on where he's been. I check his arms but they're the same as when he left.

"Liza you won't believe what happened!" He says.

"What? Are you ok? Did someone die!?"

"Geez, calm down mom"

"Whenever you use 'mom' out of context it isnt good"

"Ughh ok. Im ok physically and im not entirely sure if someone died"


"Ok, I went to my dorm after getting coffee and saw tbis Angel and demon and I thought it was just my imagination" he starts.

"Uhh a-Alex..."

"I thought it was just my coffee, hence the new and clean outfit, so I threw up in the bathroom b-but the guys were still there!" He put his hand behind his neck as if he wasnt truely sure what he saw.

"Alex..." I dont want to raise my voice and possibly trigger something.

"But-b-but then, but then I asked them a question and maybe, just maybe they're the manifestation of my moral compass. Im hoping that or other wise I'm going crazy."

I watched as he combed his hand through his hair which was no longer in its usual ponytail. He had this exhausted yet excited look on his face. Like he had just worked for hours on end but made the biggest discovery ever. This isnt like him, I've seen him like this before and it led to a breakdown.

(Be More Chill squad where are you)
"Alexander, maybe you should rest" I say in an attempt to calm him.

"W-what do you mean"

"Take this" I hand him the thing from earlier. "Its this thing called a squip. It should help you relax"

"A s-squip?"

"Yeah Alex. You're supposed to take it with mountain dew but I think coffee may work. I know you don't drink coffee often"

"Yeah" he says. I make him A cup of coffee and hand it to him along with the grey, oblong pill. He takes it with said coffee. After a moment he twitches for a second, then lays down on the couch and from what I can tell, a bit more relaxed.

"Hhh thanks liza. I dont know what I'd do without you" he says.

"I can think of a few things but not all of them are good"

After a few minutes he falls asleep on the couch. I always think its adorable how peaceful he looks when he does sleep.

Its been a few hours

I'm about to head to my room to sleep when I hear a noise that can cause chaos in a matter of seconds


~Its not that I dont like storms... It's just that they're the bane of my very existence~

Happy New Years everyone! Goodbye 2018, hello 2019!

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