Love Triangle

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So its been a few weeks and I still havent told anyone. I want to ask laf and Herc for advice but I'm not sure how they'll react. But then again, I think they already know. It's just something I need to get off my chest. I've finally come to terms with reality.

I love Alexander Hamilton

I can't believe I'm admitting it, but I love my roommate. Who knew in a million years I would fall in love with the guy who's best friend? The guy who can outrun and possibly take on in a fight the biggest jerk on campus? The guy who's reckless to the point of near death? The guy who lives off of coffee? The guy who rarely sleeps but when they do its adorable....

Alex is the guy whos like a protective boyfriend. He makes the most adorable noises the few times he does sleep. Its fun watching him argue over trivial topics and always be right. They way hes always committed to his work.

But.....a few weeks ago i saw him leave with Elizabeth Schuyler. There's a chance he's straight. I guess I should find out and possibly break my heart now rather than later.

I leave the dorm to find Hamilton. Just have to stay calm, stay ca- And who is that i see to ruin my chance?

Thomas freaking Jefferson

Hhh only one way out of this...


"Hey Madison?" I shout from my room.
"Yes?" He says.
"This may sound completely idiotic, but its something I need to say"
"What? You're only popular because half the college is scared of you? Yeah I already knew" he laughed.

"Hey James"
"Shut up"
"Yeah no"

"Anyways, I've finally come to a conclusion. I like Hamilton"
"Haha I knew it! You guys argue so much youre practically already married!"

"Yeah, yeah, real mature you living germ vault" I say slightly pissed.
"Hey its not my fault im sick all the time!" He retaliated.
"James...I literally watched you sit in the snow just so you could be alone to read" I state, "what should I do to confess to him?"
"You could show up at his dorm with coffee or write a letter for him"
"We both know he would think I poisned the coffee or that the letter is full of petty insults"
"Its just a thought, Thomas"

I sigh then decide to just go tell Hamilton I like him. If the feeling isnt mutual, so what? Its not like it matters. I'll just have to live without his witty remarks in my life. No intense violet-blue eyes to pierce into my soul every time we look at each other. No one being just small enough to barely fit in my hoodie on chilly days. No one to curl up next to. And CRAAAAAP I'm in love and need to leave my dorm before I die from eternally screaming!

I quickly rush out the dorm and stop by the on-campus cafe and get two coffees. One is the strongest one they had, for hamilton obviously. The other is decaf which is for me so I can calm down. I make my way to find Hamilton. But who do I see pacing down the hall!?

John Laurens...
John freaking Laurens

He looked up at me with hate in his eyes and immediately knew how this was gonna end. We're a few steps away and I swear i saw a tumbleweed roll by. If someone started whistling this could be considered a Mexican stand off. And im almost certain that if we had guns, Laurens would shoot first.

He pushed to a wall

"What the heck do you think youre doing?!" I yell.
"Me? He says, "what the heck are you doing here?!"

"I asked you first"
"Well if what im doing matters oh do much to you, im going to see alex. Now answer me!"
"Im sorry what? I'm trying to find alex because I need to tell him something"
"Wait what?" He backs away slightly. "Thats what I'm gonna do."
"Im so confused...what are you gooing to tell him" I say, trying to predict his response.
"Im not gonna say until you tell me what you're gonna tell him." Man this guy is stubborn. Not as stubborn as alex though.
"Ughhh fine. How about we say it at the same time?" He nods in aggreeance. Lets see how this goes...

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