How To Find a Wild Hamilton

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We ended up splitting up into three groups. Me and john, laf and Herc, Peggy and angelica.

Me and John started searching in the college. Alex wouldnt have left considering he managed to get lost in New York.

In New York where theres a grid system. I cant stress it enough how hard youd have to try to get lost.

I stop walking when john taps my shoulder.

"Do you think we screwed up?" He asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think we overreacted? I mean, what if Alex really did-"

"Dont worry, im sure hes ok" i say. "We may have hurt him a bit but i dont think hes dead."

"Thats what I'm worried about. Eliza was right, Alex couldve been tricked..." He looks at a girl passing by and trails off.

"Whats up?" I ask.



"No i mean that girl over there is a demon"

"Oh, well maybe they no where Alex is"

We walk towards the girl who turns around towards us.

"Excuse me but do you know where-" the girl and I make awkward eye contact for a good 5 seconds before I chase her down the hall, John following behind.

"What the heck Jefferson! Why are you chasing get?!" He yells.

"That's Maria fucking Reynolds!" I shout back.

"How do you know?"

"Its demon stuff! You wouldn't understand!"

I sprint and pin maria against a wall before she can get to her dorm.

"Where's Hamilton?!" I shout.

"I would say in bed but he didn't come by the dorm today" she says.

"You sick son of a-" she kicks me between the legs and starts laughing. I fall to the ground in pain.

I look up to see John pull out a bottle of water from who knows where. He says something under his breath and dumps the water on Maria.

She basically was like the witch in wizard of oz when they pour water on her. I could just imagine her saying "I'm melting" because I could tell she was in pain.

"The heck was that?" I asked while getting off the floor.

"Its called holy water and I'll pour some on you too if I have to" john says.


"Now Maria, have you seen alex?" He asks.

"Haven't you heard the howls? Its a full moon! Hes probably out with the other werewolves" she sighs.

With that we leave in hopes of finding Alex somewhere in the city. I suggested we follow the sound of wolves and maybe, just maybe would he be their.

We're walking through a neighborhood when i hear the sound of glass breaking and distant yells.

"Maybe we should leave" i mutter. John nods as we turn around.

I nearly screeched when a werewolf jumped in front of us.

"Shit! We need to go!" I say while grabbing John and flying above the roof tops before we got ripped to shreds.

"Hey! I have wings too!" He shouts.

"You weren't using them" I scoff before letting go. A few seconds later he's flying next to me.
"So wheres your halo?" I joke.

"Shut up. Do you think any of them are Alex?"

"Well gee John, i don't know. How about you go and ask the bloodthirsty beasts. I'm sure they'd love to ask around to see where Alex is..."

"You know, sometimes i hate you, and sometimes I want to snap your neck" he growls.

"Oh please, we both know i in a fight..." I look over to see a werewolf on a nearby roof. How they got there without us knowing, i have no idea.

"Is that the alpha?" John asks.

"No... That's... Holy crap that's Alex..." I fly up a bit towards him. "Alex! Im so glad we found you! And we are so, SO sorry for what we said! Will you forgive us?"

They growl before tackling me through the window of another building.

"What the heck! Why don't you ever attack John?!" He chases me through a bunch of rooms, attacking other people in the process. I end up jumping out a window just to escape.

I look over to see the other werewolves trying to kill john. I did the only reasonable thing i could think of to scare them off.

Set the street on fire

I grab John's hand and fly back to the college as the group runs off to who knows where. Probably the woods.

"What the heck is wrong with you?! You could've killed Alex!" He shouts.

"No, because he was in a building before i started a fire. And besides... I'm pretty sure he killed someone so thats the least of my concerns." I sigh.

He stays quiet.

"We'll just have to search in the morning for Alex passed out somewhere"

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