Awesome. Wow

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"Let me handle my own problem" he says. "Ill be fine" he says. Yeah, isn't that the most bullcrap ive heard all day. I started walking thinking alex was gonna be ok.

Life is funny

I start noticing people shouting and running past me. I turn around and catch a glimpse of the unimaginable. Jefferson was holding alex by the collar, beating him senseless. "Alex!" I shout. Jefferson just looks at me and drops alex like theyre nothing. They leave; this is my chance.

I run to Alex's side and pray that he isnt dead yet. I just need a sign - breathing, movement, ANYTHING.

"Alex!" I tell again "Alex, are you ok!?" He looks at me with this blank expression and gives me a thumbs up and... He passes out.

Everything happens so fast.

Herc and laf rush by and help me get Alex to the nurse. The entire time my heart is racing at the mere thought of Alex dying. I think they noticed while we're waiting for Alex to come out of the nurse's office.

"Mon ani, please sit down" laf told me. I hadn't realized until now that i was pacing back and forth. "I'm just worried for Alex" I said with a shaky voice. "We all are, but you need to relax." There was a pang of dear when he said that. I chose to give in and sit down. After about an hour, the nurse opened the door and called us to see Alex.

I immediately start planning Jefferson's death when I see Alex. He has a cast on his right arm, bandages around the waist and an ice pack on his head. Jefferson really did a number on him...

Haha karma is gonna kick his ass

"Is he going to live" I ask.
"Yes but they'll need to skip the first two weeks of college at the latest. One week is the earliest" she said.

"What are his injuries? He looks pretty beat up"
"Lets see, a broken arm, multiple bruises as well as a fractured rib. Oh, and a slight concussion."

All three of us hissed at how much damage Alex took. I swear if Jefferson comes near him again im gonna kick him in nuts so hard he wont be able to walk. "Can we take him back to his dorm?" I ask. "Yes but be careful. And be sure he drinks lots of water when he wakes up." I nodded. We carried Alex back to the dorm and set him on his bed.

I waited.

He needed to wake up. He needed to face the say again.

He needed to live and stay alive

And so I waited


Everytging hurts. Why?
I dont remember anything- wait

The fight
That bastard (it has 2 meanings,look it up. Its not just a curse word) jefferson tried to kill me! Although its not the first time someone tried that. I don't see the light anymore so I'll say now its not the last time either.

I just can't seem to die, no matter how much I want to...



Hang on, whats that I hear?

Alex please
You need to wake up..

Is that... John? Whats going on? AM I DEAD OR ALIVE?!
I'm getting trapped in my own thoughts when I see a light.

An I dying? No. This light is different.




"GAAH!" I gasp only to be greeted by a familiar face. John. "Hhh hhh hh w-where am I?" "You're back in the dorm" he said.

"But the fight-"
"You were taken to the college nurse"
"But now I'm here-"
"Youre getting two weeks off to heal"
"Hey Alex, remember when I said dont die on the first day?"
"Yeah?" I say confused.
"I ment don't die at all or come close to it at any point while you're at college."

"Haha dont worry John" I fake laugh.

...I cant seem to die...

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