If The Storm Could Just Kindly Go Away

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"Alex open the door" John says.

"Not happening!" I yell from the other side.

The storm hasnt started yet and I'm already freaking out! The only things keeping me slightly calm are the little distractions I keep finding.

Like how Jefferson lied and actually did draw something on me. And how it'll be a good reminder of where to kick him in revenge.

"Come on, its just a bit of rain"

"Leave me alone!"

Then I hear thunder again and start freaking out more.

Why did it have to be a hurricane to traumatize me!? It couldve been a tornado. I would be less afraid of the wind then i am of water.

"Open the door Alex!"

I gather the courage to get up and open the door. Im immediately trapped in a hug from both john and Jefferson. Im not sure if i prefer the storm or Jefferson's hug.

"Whats wrong Alex?" He asks.

"N-nothing. Im fine"

"No there's something wrong, youre crying"

"Im not crying, youre crying!"

"Please just tell us whats wrong"

"I-its nothing-" I see a flash of lightning.

"Is it the storm?" John asks.

I just nod

"Uhh go relax on the couch while we find something to do"

I nod again before sitting on the couch. I hate storms. But then again, i guess its my own fault for living near the coast. I couldve chosen anywhere else in America but came to New York. I'm not complaining though.

John comes back with some tea while jeffe- you know what? Thomas walks in with a blanket. Man, what did I do to deserve these guys?

"It'll be ok Alex" he says. Its weird how much he cares.

I try to calm down but there's another flash of lightning and i burrow into the blanket.

"What about watching a movie or something" john asks.

I nod again. Im so scared im at a loss for words.

He puts on a movie before sitting next to me on the couch. Thomad sits on the other side of me.

A good idea of the situation: I m between John and thomas while wrapped in a blanket burrito. If there wasnt a storm itd actually be kinda nice.


I wake up the next day leaning on John and still trapped in the blanket. I don't even remember falling asleep.

You know that peaceful moment of the day when everything is quiet? That's how it is now. John and Thomas are asleep so im the only one awake. I'm slightly tempted to take nap when my phone vibrates in my pocket.

I move around so that I can take out my phone but still be wrapped in the blanket.

Oh, it's eliza

BurntCinnaRoll: Alexander are you all right?

BurntCinnaRoll: I saw the dark clouds outside and knew there was a storm

BurntCinnaRoll: alex? Please answer

BurntCinnaRoll: Alexander?

HamilTONofCoffee: Eliza im fine

BurntCinnaRoll: ok just making sure. I was about to come see u

HamilTONofCoffee: *you and dont worry I had thomas and John

BurntCinnaRoll: Thomas? Payne or Jefferson

HamilTONofCoffee: Jefferson


HamilTONofCoffee: jeez eliza, you sound like a mom

BurntCinnaRoll: im just so proud!

HamilTONofCoffee: I don't think pride is the word you're looking for

BurntCinnaRoll: wow. You guys should come over

HamilTONofCoffee: we'll probably be there in a few minutes then

I turn off my phone realizing we cant really do anything because John and thomas are asleep and im stuck between them.

Hhhh drastic times call for drastic measures.


John jumps off the couch looking ready to murder someone. Thomas slowly wakes up as well.

"Relax John, that was just to wake you up"

"Oh" he says. "You could've just pushed me. Why were you waking us up anyway?"

"I couldnt move and we're going to the Schuylers' dorm"  I state.

I hear Jefferson groan

"Something wrong?"

"Me and angelica... She hates me. I flirted with her once and she slapped me!" He says.

"I doubt she hates you. She threatens everyone...probably why people say we're twins..."

"Ok fine" he sighs. "That doesnt mean I'm going to be friends with her"

"Never said you had to be friends"

He sighs again before getting off the couch and stretching.

We get to the Schuylers' dorm after a few minutes of jokes and me almost fighting Jefferson.

I knock and open the door when i hear someone on the other side say "come in".

Eliza hugs me, which i tried to dodge but obviously failed.

"Do the others know?" I ask.

"No but you can tell them" she replies.

I nod. "Angelica! Peggy! i have good news"

They both look up from the couch and I know i have their attention.

"Ok. Me, john and Thomas are dating"

Peggy cheers. Angelica glares at thomas before doing the same.

"Congrats guys! You officially have a better love life than us Alex" she says.

"Sounds like someone is jealous" i laugh.

"So Alex, I wasnt expecting you to love the guy you kissed in the bathroom at a party" peggy says.

"Fuck you"

"I thought you had john and jefferson-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence" I growl.

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