A Date: The lams Sequel

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John takes me to a little Caribbean restaurant and I have the subtle feeling Eliza suggested it to him. Im not complaining though. Reminds me of the good memories of home.

We end up sitting at a booth by the kitchen. The entire time, im not trying to go "Gordon Ramsey" on the mrnue items. I mean come on, what do you expect? I'm from the Caribbean. I know Caribbean food. And i will not hesitate to slap someone who thinks they can pass off any other food as if it was the same thing.

"So alex, I really dont know much about you" john says.

"As I, you good sir" i mentally facepalm. What am I doing?

"Mind telling me then?"

Error, a.ham.exe crashed. Is what should've appeared at that moment. I really didnt think this through. I dont want to tell him about me and dont plan on doing it ever.

"H-how about we get food first"

We order which doesn't stall as much time as I had hoped.

"So will you tell me now?"

I sink lower inot my seat. I reaallllly dont want to tell him. I could like but I doubt that will work.

"Uhh... H-hey did i tell you about the party I went to?"

Hes not buying it. I mean, im not lying, but he knows me well enough that im not a partying type of guy.

Our food arrived. Good. Maybe judging peoples ability to cook wouldnt be such a bad thing...

"I still think I could've cooked this better-"

"Alex you're hiding something. What is it?"

I sink further in my seat but end up sitting back up because it was uncomfortable. The top of the fridge was surprisingly more comfortable. I shield my face away from John and eat my food. There were a few glances from other tables and I'm not sure if I should be concerned.

"Alex" he pulls my hand away and I start blushing.

This is why I hate biology.

What was the point of blushing in evolution!? If you're trying to be subtle about someone you like, blushing is your enemy! You can go from pink cheeks to looking like you just ate a carolina reaper in a matter of seconds!!

Please, someone tell me the evolutionary purpose of blushing... Was it self defence? Scare your enemies with your embarrassment?!

Hhhh somehow my thoughts are more off topic than me...

I look back at John. Then I put my head on the table because i made myself mentally exhausted by questioning blushing. Hes still holding my hand.

"Ok look, you really want to know about me?"

He nods

"Im a guy who cheated death way to many times. I bet if death had a list of top people to kill I'd be #1." I give a weak smile. My head is still on the table though.

"I'm from the Caribbean, from the island of Nevis. My Uhh mom died when I was 12. Sick.I was too..." I take a moment to breathe. I lightly tug at my collar for a second. Is did the AC break? I feel like suddenly global warming got ten times worse and only in this building.

"Lets see... Dad left to who knows where. My brother is somewhere in the world. Oh yeah forgot to mention that. I have a younger brother named James. Cousin died. About... I think 2 years ago a hurricane destroyed my town" holy crap why does it feel good to say this stuff instead of keeping it a secret?

"Oh! And get this, the ship i was on when coming here? It caught fire. I dont know how but it did" I hold back a laugh.

John just looks at me. He's probably contemplating whether to date me or not.

Boy was I wrong

He got out of the booth and pulled me into a tight hug.

"John...Can't breathe..." I struggled to say.

He makes it so I can breathe but continues to hug me.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" He asks.

"The first thing I thought of when I met you wasn't "I'm gonna tell this random stranger my entire crappy life story" I say.

More people are looking at us. I wonder who's more worried, me or them?

"There's more but... I'd prefer to tell you at the dorm"

He nods

Somethings off. The room is quiet.

I may not have been to a lot of restaurants but I dont quiet isnt a good sign.

"John, we need to go"

"What? Why? Is something wrong?"

"Unimportant. We need to go"


I flip over the table and pull John behind it just as someone throws a fork at us.

Heres a useful evolutionary function: fight or flight.

We could run or fight or stay here. Staying isnt an option.

I slowly poke my head over the table but duck when a knife flies past me.

"Ok john? When i say go, we're gonna run to the other side and out the entrance"

"Whats going on Alex?"

"Cant explain now! Go!"

We sprint across the room. I slide over tables until we make it outside.

"Alex, whats going on?"

"N-nothing you need to worry about-" I hear a bullet go past is.

Who brings a gun to a restaurant?!

"Alex! Tell me!" We're still running.

"Uhh john go on ahead! I'll neet you at the college"

I run in a nearby alley while john keeps running. I make a look around the corner so that I'm behind whoever wants me dead.

Which could be anyone.

I tackle them and kick the gun away.

"What do you want from me?!" I yell.

"For you to be dead!" They say. Hang on, I recognize that voice.

He grabs the gun while im lost in thought. I quickly move it but accidentally shoot him in the shoulder.

Welp, im back to running.

What would you do if you saw a short college student running with blood on them? Because that's what I am now. I'm a random guy running down the street. With blood.


Best date ever

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