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Graduation Day

"Oh my God, where the fuck is the box?!" I shout while digging through my stuff.

Everyone else went out for coffee, so i was left in the dorm by myself. Or i thought everyone left.

"Alexander?" Eliza said while walking in the room. "How come you're not out with others?"

"Theres something I need to find first."

"Maybe i can help. What are you looking for?"

"I cant tell you. Remember when I asked to borrow some money?" She nods. "Its related to that. I got something important for today"

"Well... I can't exactly help if you dont tell me what you're looking for-"

"Found it!" I cut her off. It was a small black box that I was surprised was under a pile of my clothes. I quickly hid it in my right pocket.

Eliza looked confused but it looked like she didn't see what i had.

"Oh and one more thing" she starts. "Your arms"

"Wha- oh that. Don't worry, i only made 1 cut, which was like a first in weeks"

It didnt take us long to get to the coffee shop. Everyone was dressed formal for graduation, including me.

I sat down with John and james while Eliza went with her sisters.

"Geez, What took you so long? We thought you were dead" john jokes.

"Hey im not dead yet so dont say anything yet! Any sign of burr?"

"No. Maybe he's just avoiding you"

"Yeah probably. James?"


"I've been wondering. You have the power to make stuff float...which is probably the least magical thing I've seen. How's that even possible?"

"I dont know" he says. "Maybe I got it from mom"

I shrug and glance at Jefferson. He got stuck with getting coffee for everyone. Hes gonna flip out when he finds out what i got.

A few minutes later, Jefferson sat down at our table and have everyone else their coffee. Then he looked at me.

"Alex... You got an iced brew... How the heck have you not had a heart attack yet?!" He says.

"Magic" I wave my hands sarcastically while reaching for my cup. He moves it away though.

"I'm switching this for decaf."

"If you change it to decaf, you won't make it to graduation" i growl.

"Fine. Have your cup of caffeinated death" he says while passing me my cup.

We talked for a while, told a few jokes, reminisced mostly good memories. There was a good 20 minutes of the group making fun of me for falling for Maria, so ill be sure to get them back.

When we got back to the college, we had to go to the field for the actual graduation. I only had one thought though.

How will this day be ruined?

I mean, i planned everything out. I literally asked to be last to get my certificate or whatever. I memorized what im gonna say. I even have a small sliver of hope that i wont be embarrased by the entire college.

The only thing bugging me is that I haven't seen burr. He just... Disappeared after our argument.

I just have this feeling...

A few hours had gone by. Families came and cheered for the people graduating, which actually made me a bit jealous. Then I saw my friends on stage and just smiled and cheered.

Then it was my turn.

"Alexander Hamilton" Washington called as i ran up to the stage. He handed me the certificate and i grabbed the microphone.

"Hey everyone" I start. "I just want to thank my mom- no wait... She's dead... Um, my dad- nope. My cous- geez, this family is going extinct" i mutter.

"Uh... I guess I can thank my brother since hes the only living family member that I know of. Unless I have some distant cousin. John, Thomas, can you come up here a sec?"

They both look at each other, then back at me. I just motion for them to hurry up as they walk onto the stage.

"John and Thomas... I dont have a dollar to my name, an acre of land, a legacy to command, a dollop of fame... As you can see, im really poor. Anyways, all i have's my honor, a tolerance for pain, a couple of college credits and my top-notch brain."

"I'm not sure what point youre trying to make, Alex" Thomas says.

"My point is, i may not- no, i don't have a lot but that doesn't matter. I love you guys. Sure there's been ups and downs but that's life. Although my life was less 'ups and downs' and more like driving off a cliff into the void."

"That's sweet but we still dont know what youre trying to say."

"Ugh..." I sigh before getting down on one knee. "Will you two marry me?"

They both say"yes" in unison before hugging me. Everyone else started cheering. I swear I heard Eliza screech from happiness. This is the best day of my life!

Then the one and only finally showed up


I quickly turn around. "Aaron Burr, sir-"

He shoots me. Burr fucking shot me. Why wasnt that on my list of things that could go wrong!?! (That may or may not have been a spoiler to my other stories)

I stumble for a moment but don't fall. How the heck am i alive?

Then it hits me

"Holy shit I cant die!" I say. I punch burr in the face, surprisingly knocking him out.

"I'd say see you in hell, but visiting hours are between 4 and 6"

"Alex" thomas calls. "No"

"Come on, it was a good line" I say.

"Just... No"

"Ok. One more thing... " I flipped off everyone sitting in front of the stage as we walked off with the Schuylers. "I hate all of you. Especially Maria"

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