99 Problems But Maria Isn't One

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"Alex?" Jefferson said while opening the room door. I took off my shoe and threw it at him.

"Geez! What the heck happened that you're in such a bad mood?!"

"I don't want to talk about it" i mutter. "And im not in a bad mood"

"You rejected coffee. I think thats a pretty big sign you're not exactly happy"

I sunk into the blanket on the bed.

"I talked to Maria, ok?!" I hiss.

"Ok... Whats the full story?"

"That is the full story-"

"No it's not." He sits next to me, i scoot away. "I know you're lying so just tell me what happened"

"You know what? Fine. I walked up to maria and told her 'no' since i hadnt done that before. I told her I didn't want her in my life because my heart belongs to you and john. So she kicked me" i say.

"So? You have a habit of getting into fights. You practically get hurt on a daily basis" thomas scoffs.

"Yeah well, she kicked me in the nuts hard enough that I couldnt walk. Annnnd i may or may not have cried a bit"

"Wow. Wasnt expecting that. Dude, it doesn't matter-"

I cut him off. "Since when do you call me dude?"

"Would you rather i call you 'babe' or one of those other cringey names?" I shake my head. Any name thats not a nickname for Alexander i disapprove of. "Ok. As i was saying, it doesnt matter. We'll be graduating soon so you two wont even see each other afterwards"

I think for a moment. Hes actually right. I feel like thats a rare occurrence. Seriously, there's not many moments Jefferson is right about something.

"Yeah, i guess you're right" i sigh. "Still though, you werent there. That was probably the most embarrassing moment-"

Thomas cuts me off by kissing me.

"You talk too much" he says.

"And you're annoying as hell but I can't exactly solve that by kissing you"

"You don't know that" he jokes. I laugh a little.

"If there's anything i know, it's that you can't cook"


"You set water on fire. I did the same thing once but that's 'cuz I can only cook ramen"

"Youre just jealous i can cook"

"Hold up one second. John! C'mere a second!"

John walks in a few seconds later, probably wondering what stupid thing were arguing about now.

"Oan a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate Thomas's cooking skills?" I say. Jefferson glares at me.

"I watched him burn a salad soo... -4" John says.

We both start laughing while thomas stands up to leave.

"Not my fault you cant cook!"

"Hey at least I know how to sleep, unlike you" he growls.

"I know how to sleep. Im just physically and mentally incapable of doing such a thing" i snap.

"So an insomniac?" He crosses his arms with a smug look on his face.

"Im not... Im not whatever. Its just not in my nature to spend 7 hours everyday on something as tedious as sleep"

"Call it what you will, you're an insomniac"

"Fuck you!"

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