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I dash to the Schuyler's dorm, nearly breaking the door on my way in.

"ELIZA! I NEED MOTHERLY ASSISTANCE AND FRIEND SUPPORT" I bark when I get inside. Im almost immediately greeted with a tight hug. "Oh my god Alex I was so scared you got in a fight or cut or suicide! Im so glad you're ok" she says, hugging me tighter.
"Eliza, I cant breathe!" I joke as she lets go of me.

"Besides, you're half right on what you just said" I mutter just enough for her to hear.
"What do you mean" she asks.
"Well obviously I didn't commit suicide since im still alive". She gives me this weak smile.
I continue, "I got in a fight with a moron. And uhh...I did cut myself..." I stare down at the grown as I say the last few words.

"Wait, who did you fight?"
"The imbecile who has truly earned the title, Charles Lee"
" that why you cut?"
"Well, i had a knife and stress exists so yeah" I state casually. And just as i expected, eliza promptly took my arms and rolled the sleeves up. Mom mode activated.

"I only did it three times this time" as if that was something to celebrate.
"Did you take your-" I interrupt her because I know what she's gonna say.
"No I didn't take them. I got so caught up in life that i forgot."
She looks at me again but this time, her smile is gone. I hate to do this to her but she insisted before that I tell her anything and everything that I do or things that happen to me.

"I think I might try being selectively mute" I say as an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Alex, I don't think you can do that." She says with a grin spreading across her face.

"And why, my fair lady, is that?"

"Hmhm, because my good sir, you talk too much" and with that we both burst into laughter.

"Haha oh man its true though!" I say between laughs. "But that's beside the point. I need your help."
"Oh? What is it you need?"
"After cutting myself..." I trail off.
"Alexander?" Crap, shes using my full first name.
"I heard laurens and jefferson... they both said they loved me. It was weird, i was in the bathroom and heard them yell outside 'i love Alexander Hamilton'."

Eliza stared at me as if trying to process what i just said. "Im sure it was just a joke or dare or something..." I say. She suddenly has this nervous look but im not sure why.

" may be right. But until we sort this out you can stay with us" she said.
"Really? Won't it be crowded? Plus I'd be the only guy"

"It'll be fine Alex. We're your friends. And besides, I know you're bi, not gay"
I started eternally screaming and dying on the inside after that last sentence.
"Elizaaaa why do you have to be so much like a mom?"
"Hey, I know you better than anyone, with the exception of family"
"The family that's living anyways..." I mutter. From that I start thinking about my family. Then all the crappy things that have happened to me. Then my emotions flung a 10-pound brick at me as well as dropkicked the good thoughts out of my mind.

"Hey liza, I'll be right back." I make my say towards the bathroom when she grabs my hand.
"Alex. Knife." I swear this woman can predict what im gonna do. I hand her the knife with a resentful sigh.
"You cant keep doing this Alex"

"Yeah well, you cant keep acting like you're my mom"



"You're smart-ass side is showing"

"And you're 'not innocent' side is showing. You cursed"

"Actually i didn't. 'Smart-ass' is a term"

"...Clever girl"

"And stop referencing movies and shows to prove a point!"

"I couldn't help if I wanted to darling" i say with a smirk. Yeah i called her darling but it means nothing. Whenever we're outside together people always go "you're such a cute couple" or "you two are perfect for each other". But the thing is we're not dating or even remotely close. We're friends, no, if anything we're siblings. We may not be by blood, but we understand each other better than her own sister's.

"I guess I should stay. But only if you won't bug me when I'm working" I say.
" No promises" she says. And with that I make my way to my dorm.

When I get there John is no where to be seen. Good. I grab an extra hoodie and my toothbrush. And my razor. I don't care what Angelica says, just because I can't grow a beard doesn't mean I can't shave.

I'm contemplating whether to take the coffee machine when I hear a knock at the door. I stomp over and open the door wide as if it was gonna lead into the TARDIS.
"Whometh thy fucketh are ye" I say with as much attitude a possible. Yes, I'm pissed. I'm met with a dark, hooded figure. Definitely not suspicious,no, what are you talking about? This is just a normal encounter.

"It doesn't matter who I am. You're about to be a part of something bigger than you"

I'm about to object with a quick remark when they stab something in my neck.

I watch as the figure runs away. Coward. I'm prepared to go after them but...

My vision goes blurry...

"What...the fuck...did you do to me..." I mutter.

"Help!... someone please..."

My speech becomes more slurred. I realize I'm on the ground. Then everything goes black.

I hear voices...Eliza? John?... Washington? I don't know. It feels like I'm moving. Where am I going? The nurse? My grave?...

I'd love if I'd be to see my mom again. Or James. Or Peter. Oh, what I'd give to see my family. Too bad whenever I try to...make a permanent visit...I'm always stopped-

"Alexander please wake up!"

Alexander are you alright?

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