Can We Get Through One Normal Day?

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I pull Jefferson into the other room.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"I still don't trust you" i snap.

"I could honestly care less about you not trusting me."

I fight the urge to slap him

"I dont know what you're planning, dont you dare hurt Alexander. He can't take a heartbreak and i will personally send you to the hospital" I growl.

"Geez, im more worried you're gonna hurt him"

"Says the guy who sent him tro the nurse on the first say"

"That was before I liked him..."

"Yeah right, thats just an excuse"

"I dont know why you hate me so much-"

"Really? I could start a list right now."

"You know what? Im done talking to you. Id rather be around anyone else besides you." And with that he storms out the room.

Demons are total jerks

I join everyone back in the living room. Turns out they were talking about what to do since its the weekend.

"What about the library?" Eliza suggested.

"Can't. Im banned..." Alex mutters.

"How do you-"

"Its a long story. What do you think Angelica?"

I'm caught off guard but quickly come up with an answer.

"Uhh we could all go out somewhere"

"What about going to a party?" Peggy blurts out.


I think for a minute before nodding.

"Wait what? I suggested we go to a party earlier but you said no" John says.

"I honestly don't want to go. But Peggy is just as stubborn as me and I dont feel like arguing with her" I sigh.

"Fine. It's be good for you to be social anyway"

"I can and will hide in the bathroom"

"What about a challenge?"

I remain quiet

"If you can socialize the entire I'll buy you coffee for a week" he says.

"Its gonna take a lot more than coffee. Uninterrupted work time and coffee for a week"

"Hhhh fine"

Yay me, free coffee! And I don't even have to do anything. I can just lie about being social.

We hang out for a few hours before going to the nearest party. We actually stopped by my dorm first to get Herc and Laf since we hadn't talked in a while.

"Alexander" angelica starts. "Stay away from beer and no one gets hurt."

"Way to sound like a mom..."

Im not wearing my lucky tie. What could go wrong?

I immediately hide in the crowd as soon as the door opens.

Everything is fine until the girl from the first party tries to talk to me.

"Hey, back off. I have a bo- two boyfriends" I growl while looking away.

"Look im sorry about before" she hands me a cup. "Consider it a peace offering."

I push it away. "Sorry, my friends would kill me if I had any beer."

"Its just one cup"

"What's your name anyway?"

"You can call me Maria"

I look around the room to try to find the others.

Laf and herc are making out on the couch

The Schuylers are dancing

And john and jefferson are nowhere to be seen.

You know what? Im not throwing away my shot. I take the cup and start drinking.


And that's how I ended getting dragged back to my dorm.

"Aw come on! I was having fun!" I exclaim.

"You're drunk. You tried to start fights and almost drove a car. And thats not even all you did..." Angelica snaps.

"I dont see whats wrong with that."

"Remind stop you next time theres beer" john says.

"Whyyyy? Drunk Alex has the best ideas"

"Say that again when you have common sense" he groans.

I stand up to object, but end up passing out on the floor.

This is why i avoid people and stay in my room. Or the coffee shop. Or anywhere where i dont have to talk to people.

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