Im Only Human, What are You?

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So being a werewolf sucks

Imagine being pissed off at the slightest thing, always being hungry, and every other day wanting to kill everything in sight.

Basically being a teenager

"Hurry up Alex, youve been in the bathroom for hours" Jefferson calls from the other side of the door.

"Hey! Im a 19 year old with a full grown beard, fight me asshole!" I growl.

"Pff yeah sure. A demon against a werewolf. We'll see how that goes..."

I open the door and throw a bottle of soap at him.

"Ow! Fuck You!" he yells. I flip him off.

Yep, just youre usual morning.

I grab my stuff and head out for my first class. I cant help but feel like im being followed so I turn around. Turns out it was just burr.

"Hey burr, long time no see" i sigh.

"Hm? We saw each other at the party" he says.

"What? You and parties should never be in the same sentence. Youre like, least likely to go to a party in the world"

"Very funny. I just want to thank you on your advice. Me and Theo got together!"

"Im sorry what?"

I dont remember anyone by the name of Theo let alone anyone giving Burr of all people advice.

"Im sorry, can you remind me again what exactly i did? Im uhh tired"

"You came up to me at the party. I told you about a girl I was interested. You said, and I quote, "if you love this woman go get her. What are you waiting for?" Then you walked off into the crowd"

"Burr... You do realize i was drunk, right?" I ask. "Also why would you listen to me ever? I could tell you to go duel some guy but you shouldnt actually do it"

"I had no idea you were drunk..." He mutters.

"How?!" I facepalm. "I can't believe you followed my advice when i barely knew what i was saying..."

I storm off to class before he can say anything else.

Of course everyone looked up at me, including Washington, as soon as I opened the door. I just sat in the back and hoped they just ignored my existence.

There was this one girl sitting next to me who kept glancing at me. I put on my hood and tried to ignore them but i swear I could recognize her. Maybe she was at the party.

What was her name... Something Reynolds...

I was still trying to remember their name after the rest of my classes. They randomly pulled me to the side before I could get to mys dorm. I pushed her away.

"Who are you and why are you following me?" I growl.

"Dont you remember? Its me, Maria" she says.

"Sorry, I got extremely drunk and I'm surprised I even remember how to live. I don't remember you"

"Well I was wondering if you could give me a tour of the college. Ive been to a few parties but I dont really know my way around"

Cue red flags and sirens

Yet I'm so out of it my logic is failing

"You know, i dont trust you at all. But chivalry is alive and well so sure"

I showed Maria where a majority of the dorms are, where the cafeteria was if you didnt want go to McDonald's.

Things went south when we got to her dorm.

"Well maria, i believe thats the end of the tour. I should get back to my dorm..." I say.

Her face turns red as she pulls me to her room and pushed me to the bed.

"Uhh i-I should really l-leave" I smile nervously.

"Stay~" she says while closing the door.



Thomas, John... Please forgive me...


I look up from my phone to see jefferson attempting to cook again.

"Weird, Alex shouldve been back by now..." I say.

Suddenly the door opens. "Speak of the devil" Jefferson mutters.

Alex stumbles in doing, what looks like pulling up his pants.

"Hey Alex! How's it going?"

He glances towards me before sprinting to his room. I guess he wants to be alone or something. I'll check on him in a bit, but I cant help but feel something bad happened...

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