A Gang of Werewolves...Great

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Im still wandering through New York city trying to find my way back to college. And my neck is killing me! And I just realized my arm is broken and i shouldve waited to get a cast. Maybe i can find somewhere to take a break.

I end up in a less busy area where there was significantly fewer people. It also happens to be near an alleyway. It actually wasnt that bad until a group of guys walked up to me.

"Hey!" One of them shouted. "What are you doing in our territory?!"

"Well as you can see, I'm a bit lost." I say.

"No shit Sherlock!"

"Fuck you Watson!"

Man ive been waiting a while to say that. I think i made him angry.

"Oi, a wise guy are ya? Ya got jokes?"

"Well none of my jokes can top just you in general! I mean look at yourself, youre a degenerate and a waste of air"

He grabs my shirt collar and pins me against a wall in the alley.

"Well lad, ive got a joke for you. What do you get when you add an idiot and a punch?"

"A sad excuse for a gang?" A few people in his group chuckle but stop when they realize who im talking about.

"No. It equals yer face smashed in if you dont shut up."

"I'm sorry sir but that sounds like a you problem"

He punches me in the gut and drops me to the ground. Geez it felt like I got hit with concrete.

"Do ya have anything left to say now?"

"Yeah, I've got another joke for you. Knock knock."

"Do ye think this is a game?"

"Yes, completely.  Knock knock."

He looks back at the others. They're all equally confused.

"...who's there?"


I stand up and kick the back of his leg, forcing him to fall.

"No the real joke is you and your gang" I laugh.

"ATTACK!!" he yells.

Sudenly the other, about 5 guys, surround me.

"Fine, I'll take on all of you!"

Why am i such an idiot
Why am I such an idiot
Why am I such an idiot!?

Why did I think i could take on five guys with a broken arm?! And theyre all at least a foot taller then me!

You can piece together what happened

I'm left there battered on the ground bleeding. I think one of them bit me. At least the pain in my neck is gone.

The leader crouches down next to me and grabs my arm.

"If this is your way of proposing, sorry not interested." I laugh but stop because of the pain. He tightens his grip on my arm. "Ok ok, i think we've established my jokes are bad, please let me go!"

"Hey where'd all that fire in you go?"

"Its currently burning my soul..."

He laughs and lifts me up in the air, still holding onto my arm. It looks like the end of a wrestling March where the ref raises the winner's arm in the air. Only im not a winner. I'm on the brink of death.

"Ya see this men? This is what happens to whoever comes in our territory!" He looks back at me. "The fact that you're alive is a miracle. Take it as a warning. If we cross paths again, I will personally murder you" He growls.

No wait, he actually growled in that sentence.

"No please do kill me. Thats on the top of my to-do list. To die" I say.

"I'd love to do that. But thats not how a warning works" he scoffs.

He raises his other hand and claws me through my shirt. Then he drops me to the ground while I slowly bleed to death.

"This is why he stay away from our territory"

"W-who...what are you" i stutter.

"Werewolves. And now you're one too"

And then they were gone. They ran off into the shadows while I was left to rot.


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