How Not To Die 101

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Alex runs in the dorm 20 minutes later. I swear he was going to indirectly murder me if he hadn't come back.

"Hey Alex" i say. No response.

Instead he locks the door and barricades it with the couch. I didn't even think he could lift the couch on his own. He looks tired all the time and the heaviest thing ive seen him carry was a stack of books.

He turns around towards me. Blood. Theres blood on his shirt. What did he do in 20 minutes?!

He has a panicked look on his face and before i can ask whats going on, he runs to the bathroom.

What is going on? One minute we're on a date and the next, someone is trying to kill us- eh him- I DONT KNOW!

Alex comes out about an hour later. Normally I wouldn't be concerned but he now and a dark hoodie on.

"Alex tell me what's going on" I say.

He sighs and looks down at the floor.

"Ok" he starts. "That guy may or may not definitely be someone I pissed off back home... And he may or not want me dead"

"Alex, What. Did. You. Do?"

"Its not what I did!" He crosses his arms.


"Fine. He talked trash about me and James. So I uhh kicked him in the nuts and stole some of his stuff. I was 12, mind you"

I facepalm

"Alex you idiot..." I sigh.

"Why would you think that was a good idea?"

"Hey! I was 12, I was already an idiot!"

"Im almost afraid to ask this...why was there blood on you?"

"Don't worry I didn't kill him. Just shot him in the shoulder."

"Alex you idiot... And why we're you in the bathroom so long?"


"I heard no water"

"Change of clothes"

"You only put a hoodie on"

"...Existing?" He says hesitantly.

"Alex..." I reach for his wrist. He moves away. "Theres blood on your wrist"

"Damn it..." He says.

"What is it"




"Fine, then I'm asking Eliza"

He gives me a cold stare. "Don't. You. Dare."

I pull out my phone and start dialing her number.

"Fine. I cut myself. Happy?"

"No. Did Jefferson cause this?!"

"No! Not at all- ok thats a lie. He's responsible for at least 1% of this"

"Right. I knew not to trust him."

"Hold on a minute, you trust Jefferson?"

"You cant say anything. I remember hearing you saying "Jefferson is a nice guy" "

"Oh yeah well you uhh... SHUT UP!"

"You're blushing"

"I don't like Jefferson"

"I never said that"


"why are you yelling? I'm not deaf"

He stomps towards his room

"Alex. Knife"

He throws me the knife and i barely catch it. Why he thought that was a good idea i have no clue. Might as well talk to Jefferson while Alex is out of the room

TurtleKing: Thomas

TJeff: who are you and howd you get my number?!

TurtleKing: its John. We need to talk

TJeff: no we don't

TurtleKing: yeah we do. Its about Alex

TJeff: you didnt kill him did you?

TurtleKing: no! How are we gonna tell him about the werewolf situation?

TJeff: we? Youre his roommate you tell him! Besides, he seems completely oblivious to the whole thing

TurtleKing: well i dont want to explain why he has a beard and wants to kill everything he sees when its a full moon

TJeff: that sounds like a you problem

I want to go to his dorm and throw my phone at his face. I dont know what Alex sees in him.

TurtleKing: also, i think he likes you. What did you do

TJeff: ...
TJeff: I should go. Madison's calling

TurtleKing: thomas dont you dare

TJeff has left the chat

~Well thats just fan-freaking-tastic~

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